Chapter thirty-two - "what are you going to do?"

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The rest of the holiday went pretty quick and not much happened. It consisted of me lying through my teeth to everyone including my friends

It's now Monday and my alarm just went off. I wasn't in the mood for dressing up for school mainly because I was working last night and didn't get home till late so I put on a pair of leggings and a cropped t-shirt

Classes went long and boring and everyone was annoying me with there comments but I just ignored them

"Hey" Kelsey says sitting down beside me at lunch

"Hey" I put down my phone

"I'm so done with this place" she complains

"Why you're not seeing my face enough" Reece smirks and sits down Will, Connor and Luke not far behind him

"More like too much" she mutters

"You won't say that later babe" He winks

They continue bickering so I turn to Connor and Will "still keeping your relationship a secret?"

They nod

I pout

"You done it too" Connor says

"And look where that got me"

Luke sniggers

The rest of the day went surprisingly quick and before I knew it I was at the gym. I spent over an hour at the gym. I was walking out in my workout clothes while looking at my phone when I walk into someone

"Oh sorry" I say looking up at who I walked into "Never mind"

Kayden smirks on front of me "that's no way to treat your favourite boy"

I roll my eyes "where'd you get that out of"

"Pretty sure I heard you say it last night whil-" his smirk widens

I hit his chest "seriously"

He puts his hands up "I was going to say while I brought you takeaway after your shift last night"

I roll my eyes

Kayden's hands wrap around my waist and he pushes me backwards into one of the changing rooms

"Kayden" I complain when his lips connect with my neck

"Sophia" he mimics me

"Do you have memory loss or something?"

I can feel his smirk on my neck proving he doesn't and he thinks he'll get his way

"I told you I can't go against Will anymore" I mutter and Kayden's lips suck on my neck

"Who cares" he mutters "he has a boyfriend now"

"Kayden I swear if you leave a mark" I warn him

"What are you gonna do not let me get my way?" He retorts

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