Chapter two- "My house later"

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Recap begins

I grab a chemistry book that was already left in my locker when I feel a presence behind me

Usually this is the part where I scream but I wanted to save a bit of dignity because it was probably just Rachel trying to scare me or the principal telling me to get to class now that the late bell has gone.

But what I didn't expect was to hear these five words

"Did you miss me phia?"


Recap ends

"What th-" I begin but get interrupted by a separate voice

"Mr Ryder get to class I'm pretty sure Ms Grey doesn't need you hassling her on her first day" The voice who I'm assuming is the principals speaks

I don't look away from my locker when the boy behind me takes a step back and walks away

Once he's out of sight the principal walks towards me "I'm sorry about him Ms Grey, he has the tendency to do things like that"

I look up at smile responding with an it's ok

Once he's out of sight I slam my locker shut muttering a few inappropriate words from the revelation that just happened before trying to find my way to my first class.

By the time I get there I'm about ten minutes late but I don't really care.

"Class this is Sophia and as you can guess she's new here so I want everyone to be welcoming to her" The teacher who just introduced herself as Mrs Moffatt says "Sophia you can take the spare seat down the back"

I nod my head and make my way to the back but as soon as I see who my seat mate is, I regret even turning up to this class.

I take my seat and put a empty notebook on front of me not that I'm going to bother write anything down.

"You never answered my question earlier" the same voice from earlier speaks up

I totally avoid his question finally making eye contact with him

"What the hell are you doing here Kayden?" I all but snarled

The smirk that appeared on his face only fuelled my anger "I live here Sophia I'm pretty sure the actual question is what the hell are you doing here"

I roll my eyes "what the hell were you doing in New York last summer?"

"Ms Grey, Mr Ryder I suggest that you both be quiet now unless you would like to continue your conversation in detention after school" Mrs Moffatt interrupts whatever Kayden was going to say next

Kayden smirks "nah it's alright Mrs we can just continue it at my house tonight"

Mrs Moffatts face immediately went red at what he was insinuating

I hit Kayden on the chest "he was just joking"

"No I-"

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