Chapter forty six - "best I've had in ages"

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"You didn't come to school for the rest of the week?" Ali asks sitting down across from me at the food court

I fix Kai's blanket on him in his buggy before looking up at her "I just really didn't want to deal with everyone"

She nods "So how are you feeling?"

I take a bite of my burger "like shit, I have to go drop Kai off at his dads place after this"

"Not even on name bases?" She raises her eyebrows

"I hate him Ali, why couldn't he just have told me"

"I'm on your side babe" she tells me "just remember there's a thin line between love and hate"

"It's hate" I get defensive "so what's been happening in school anyway?"

Kelsey thinks for a second "Kayden has been walking around with a face like a slapped arse while the boys complain about him"

"Complain about him?"

"Well Reece complains about him, Luke is spending his time with Kayden so he doesn't flip out at anyone who looks at him" she tells me and I roll my eyes typical Kayden "Reece said he deserves it, he knew he was bound to get caught"

I nod, starting to feel a bit better knowing that even Reece is on my side

"We should go out tonight" Ali says out of no where

I raise an eyebrow, I didn't have any make up on and I was wearing my fitted sweatpants and baby pink sweatshirt once again, seen as the weather was being annoyingly bad

"What it's not a stupid idea, Kayden has Kai, you should go out and have some fun"

An hour later I'm getting ready to leave to bring Kai to see Kayden

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Ali asks for the hundredth time

I nod and laugh "I'll be fine, Helen will most likely be there anyway"

She nods before bidding goodbye

I pulled up outside Kayden's house a few minutes later. To say I was nervous would be an understatement and I don't even know why, maybe it was because I haven't seen him since I told him to take his stuff out of my house or maybe it's because deep down I was scared that he'd have his new girlfriend here

I get out of the car and take Kai out of his baby seat lifting him in my arms and putting his supply bag over my shoulder. I walk up the driveway and knock on the door. It takes him a few seconds to answer the door

When he does neither of us say anything for a minute. He was wearing his grey half length shorts and his jersey from school

Fuck my life

Just because I hate him doesn't make me immune to how good looking he is, it's just a pity he doesn't have the personality to match

He steps out of the way and I walk past him. I put Kai's stuff down at the stairs and go into the living room so I can put him in his play pin after I say goodbye to him

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