Chapter thirty-seven - "sounds like someones got a stalker"

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I looked and felt like shit a few Monday's later in school. I had given up with trying, my outfits were wearing oversized sweatshirts as baggy dresses and my hair messily tied up and let's not forget the non-existent makeup that I wear

The phone call I wish I never answered was stuck on my mind which I knew wasn't helping the baby and the stress was giving me rashes. My bump had gotten a good bit bigger and if I had made my sweatshirt fitted or wore my typical outfits it wouldn't take a genius to see I was pregnant

Me and Kayden haven't said a word to each other since the ball apart from the odd word to piss each other off on front of our friends, we just told them we had a huge argument and they shouldn't try fix it. My style change didn't go unnoticed by RWH but at this stage I don't care

The final bell of the school day went off after what felt like forever. I had gotten a letter to say that I had a baby scan this weekend and I knew I had to tell Kayden, another reason why I wasn't getting any sleep

I walked towards my car to get out of there as quick as possible but I noticed Kayden walking to the side of the school, I assumed he'd be going for a drink or something but I turned around when I realised he was actually going meeting a girl in the year under us

I roll my eyes and go back to my car. Once I got home I had a shower to clear my mind. I decided to keep my hair down for once and changed into my work uniform, which thankfully Helen is letting me use a black sweatshirt dress. I keep telling her I'm wearing it because it's so warm but I think she's probably guessed why

I get to work and start working immediately, the bar was busy enough which I was happy about because it distracted me for a few hours

Kevin, one of my new colleagues came rushing towards me

"I'm sorry Sophia, there's an emergency at home I have to go but I've got someone to cover me" he rambles before running off

I look around confused at who will be working with me tonight but my breathing stops when I realise who it is

"This is not happening" I mutter to myself before serving another customer

A few hours and a lot of avoidance later the bar is starting to quiet. Kayden has been chatting up girls for the past hour and it was really starting to annoy me

The phone on the wall started ringing. I said the name of the bar before saying it was me speaking and asking how I could help

"You can't avoid me forever" the voice I haven't heard in a few weeks said

My body went numb "don't call me again" I say making sure my voice doesn't shake

I put the phone back on the wall before they could answer

"Sounds like someone's got a stalker" Kayden mutters walking past me

I roll my eyes noticing the bar was suddenly empty meaning Kayden must be closing up

"Well that's the first word you've said to me in weeks, congrats" I mutter

"Well someone was making it too obvious for me to be talking to you normally because of they're outfits" He retorts

I lift up my oversized sweatshirt because I had shorts on under it "Well I could hardly wear my normal clothes" I put my hand on the bump that has formed

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