Chapter forty - "I will be back"

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Kayden's PoV

My phone continuously ringing woke me up at 5am the next morning and I suddenly regret getting hammered last night after what happened with Sophia and Lisa

"What?" I snap not looking at who's calling me

"Kayden Wild?" The unknown serious sounding voice asks

I sit up in my bed "yes?"

"I'm Bella, I work in the hospital. Sophia Grey is here, she was brought in a few minutes ago" she starts "it was said to ring you if she was brought in to hospital again"

"What happened?" I ask starting to worry about Sophia and the baby

"You better come down to the hospital as soon as you can" is all she says before hanging up

I get out of bed and put on some of my joggers before driving to the hospital

"I'm looking for Sophia Grey" I say to the receptionist

The woman types her name into the computer before telling me she's in room 327B on the third floor

I seen my reflection in one of the windows. I looked a mess

I walk into room 327B a few minutes later. Sophia was in a pair of pyjamas I'd never seen her on before, I usually seen her in less, the closer I got the more I seen

She was in a room by herself, the nurse was filling in a chart. Sophia's eyes were closed, making me wonder if she was even conscious, there are needles going into her arms, her effort from earlier gone, but somehow she still managed to look good

"Kayden right?" The blonde nurse asks me

I nod standing the opposite side of Sophia's bed

"Sophia was rushed into hospital a little while ago" the blonde starts "she was found at the bottom of her porch, it's not being treated as suspicious, were just assuming she fell"

"She hasn't woken up since" she tells me "the baby's ok and she will be fine, just a few cuts and bruises, but if she wakes up make sure she doesn't make any sudden movements she had to get an injection in her bump"

The nurse excuses herself before leaving. Hearing the news that both Sophia and the baby are ok made me feel a bit better, but I still wasn't looking forward to dealing with Sophia when she wakes up, telling me about tonight's events

I sit down in the chair beside her bed and before I know it I find myself falling asleep

The sound of coughing wakes me up and I open my eyes to see Sophia starting to move. I stand up and she opens her eyes slowly

"What happened?" She asks quietly her voice low

She notices it me a minute later

"Why are you here?" Her voice was still slow and quiet

"They called me"

"Who? What happened?"

"You fell down the porch stairs" I tell her

She shakes her head "no I didn't, I wouldn't do that" she starts to panic "is the baby al-"

"He's fine" I tell her

"I didn't fall down them steps" she says but reality comes back to her "you can go, he's fine"

"I'm not just here for him"

She rolls her eyes "I'm done playing stupid I mean nothing to you" it looks like there's tears in her eyes but she blinks them away "you promised me you wouldn't make me look stupid by going out with other girls while I'm pregnant"


"If I fell, which I know I didn't, it sure as hell would have had something to do with you stressing me out"

She turns around and closes her eyes

What she said did hit home but I remembered something that made me angry more than anything

Once i knew Sophia was asleep foe the rest of the night, I left. I pulled up outside my destination a few minutes later

"Oh hey baby" Lisa says with a grin

"Don't call me that ever again" I snap

"What did I do baby?" She scrunches her face in confusion

"The only reason I'm stupid is for thinking you were alright" I start "I know you left my place to go to Sophia's house, that's why you were so interested in her address earlier, you remembered it so you could come back"

"I'm not stupid either" her facade disappears "I know the bitch is pregnant with your baby, neither of you could act like ye didn't know each other, never mind hide both your feelings"

She was going to continue but I stop her "take two steps near Sophia or our baby again and I swear I don't care wether your a girl or not, I will be back"

Short chapter I know but what did you guys think of it being in Kayden's POV?!

Did you think Lisa was going to be nice? What do you think will happen next?!

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