Chapter eighteen - "times up"

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I was standing outside the front door that I didn't think I would ever go near again

The door is opened by my little sister Emma and her normal face quickly turns into a huge smile, the same as mine

"Sophiaa" she screams jumping into my arms

I spin her around, the guilt I've been feeling suddenly deepens realising how long I've let my parents keep me away from her

"I'm so sorry Em" I say holding her close to me

"Emma who is it" my mothers stern voice speaks and she stops when she sees me with Emma in my arms

"What's wr-" my father starts coming out of the living room

"What are you doing here?" He asks wrapping his arm around my mothers waist

"I'm here to see Emma" I state coldly "and to sort out an agreement of when I can see her"

"Well then let's go to the park so Emma isn't in the middle of it" my mother states

I kiss Emma's cheek who is messing with my curly hair "wanna drive with me?" I ask her "I've got your booster"

She nods her head happily and I put her in the back of my car making sure she's strapped in

"Soph why haven't I seen you in so long" she asks when I pull into the car park of the local park

I wasn't sure what to tell her so I just kept it simple "Me and mom and dad just need some space but I promise you'll see me more often"

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"So I get to see her Fridays and Saturdays and for an hour on Wednesday" I clarify still being cold with my parents

"And that's that" my mother states

I look over at Emma who's playing in the sand pit

"When I get a place of my own I was hoping she'd be able to stay over on Friday nights" I state 

"No way"

"And why not?"

"How will I know if she's safe" my mother speaks

"Because you know I wouldn't put her in danger" I say angry before I stand up and turn around "and don't worry about your other daughter for all you know she's sleeping on the street"

"Well are you?" My dad asks

I scoff "like ye care" I walk off and crotch down beside Emma

"I've got to go but I'll see you Wednesday ok" I tell her

She nods her head and hugs me

"I love you Sophia"

"I love you too Em"

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"Girl we've got to look so good tonight and get some really hot boys" Kelsey says running her hands through her straightened hair

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