Bonus chapter

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Hey guys so I know it's been a while and 'Last summer' is actually finished but I thought I'd add a bonus chapter for a little insight into what happens next!


"So I was thinking" Kayden starts, coming out of the bathroom with a mischievous look on his face

"That's weird you never do that" I smirk sitting up in the bed

It ended up that all of the group booked into some hotel rooms for the night. Obviously me and Kayden being a new couple got a room for just us.

He huffs smiling nonetheless "since mom is taking Kai for the day we should go on our official first date"

"So where are we going to go?"

Kayden smirks "I'll bring you for some lunch first and the rest is a surprise"

I give him a suspicious look but agree anyway

I pick up my phone to text my messages

Ali -

I'm so sorry about last night, it wasn't the same without you. Both you and Kayden never came back and Chelsea explained they're situation so you can fill me in on the details later😉 Anywhere we're meeting in the lobby in an hour

I smile at the message texting that I'll fill her in when I see her

I walk over to Kayden and put my hand on his bare chest before pecking his lips

"We're going to have to go back home so I can get ready for our date"

He nods "you look perfect just the way you are"

"You're cute" I smile against his lips

An hour later me and Kayden walked into the lobby to be greeted by Reece, Ali, Luke, Chelsea, Will and Connor

"Well look who it is" Ali walks towards me and wraps her arms around me while Kayden joins the others "I hope your ok"

"I'm surprisingly fine, I'll explain everything later"

She takes a step back

"Judging by the glow you have and the very viewable hickeys you're more than fine with lover boy"

"Chelsea explained everything?" She nods and I smile "Well let's just say we're going to give it an actual try this time"

My eyes zone in on her neck "speaking of viewable hickeys, where's yours from"

"You're not the only one that fessed up last night" she couldn't wipe the smile off her face

"Finally" I grin

A few minutes later I walk over to Chelsea. Everyone seemed to tense not knowing my next move

"Hey, so we may not have gotten off to the best start but I was kinda hoping we could be friends" I smile fiddling with my, Well Kayden's blue Adidas three quarter length shorts

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