Chapter forty-two - "Your new girlfriend?"

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"Heya baby" I smile kissing his head and bouncing him up and down lightly "was your dad annoying you again"

It's been a few weeks since the night I went into labour at the side of that mountain and little did we know a few hours later I had our little boy, who we decided to name Kai Elliot, just so we both got the names we wanted. We stayed at Kayden's house for the first three weeks but then we decided I'd move back to my place and Kayden would stay with us

Helen brought Emma over to see Kai the other day and she loved him just as much as us. I knew being a mom would be hard but luckily with Helen she made it easier and I managed to get myself back into shape

"Actually you're lucky I'm so good with him, it meant you got to go back to the gym already" he smirks "I mean you're body's better than ever"

I roll my eyes "You're an idiot"

There was a knock on the door once I sat down on the couch with Kai lying on my flat stomach, that I've been working hard on

I mess with his scarce strands of hair while Kayden gets the door

I'm surprised when Reece walks in. I haven't seen him in ages, I haven't seen anyone really. I don't know anything that's going on in school because for some reason RWH has gone a-wall and I didn't exactly have time for gossip

"Well look who it is" Reece smiles walking over to me and Kai. He takes him when I hand Kai to him, and surprising Kai stays quiet "I hope you called him Reece"

"He looks more like a Kai" Kayden says sitting down in his chair

Reece messes with his fingers introducing himself to Kai "Hey, sorry I couldn't come sooner. I wasn't in the best of places and didn't want to drag you guys down too"

I nod "you ok now?"

Reece nods and smiles, because he knows he can come to me now that I'm back to myself

"So what have I missed?" I ask. Kayden went out for the first time a few nights ago, so I'm assuming he already knows. If he wasn't too drunk

"Me and Kelsey broke up"

I raise an eyebrow. I didn't expect that.

"She cheated after we got together" he tells me "I always knew there was something odd with her. Let's just say after you and her stopped talking it went down hill"

"I'm sorry" I couldn't help feeling like it was my fault

"Don't be, I'm glad I realised sooner rather than later" he starts "but a new girl moved to red water high"

"Your new girlfriend?" I ask

"No she's just a friend, but we've told her so much about you she really wants to meet you" I smile, a girl to talk to would be good right now "we're all actually going out tonight, you should come"

"You're forgetting one little factor" I look at Kai. Truth is it wasn't because I didn't have a babysitter that I didn't want to go out, I hate leaving Kai, I always miss him so much

"His dad will babysit" Reece says and Kayden looks away from the tv

"That'd be good" he smirks at me "more time for me to reach him bad language and how to piss you off"

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