Chapter eight - "Not leaving"

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Kayden's POV

"I don't know" She says moving her hair away from her face frustratedly  "but it sure as hell isn't because of you playing tonsil tennis with some random chick, because not everything revolves around you, you dick"

After She says that she turns around and start to cross the empty road but before she makes it across a speeding car comes out of no where and all of a sudden I see her being lifted into the air after rolling up the car and she hits the ground forcefully as the car speeds away

I can't even remember me getting to the position of kneeling down beside her unconscious, badly injured body and the crowd gathering up beside us

"Someone call an ambulance" I shout as I hold her cuts and bruises covered face in my hands

"Move people, move" I hear voices shout and I instantly know who it is

"Kayden what happened?" Rachel asks standing on front of us, mouth wide open in shock

"Some sick son of a bitch hit her with a car"

"What can we do?" Asks Maddie

"Call Luke tell him what happened, him and the boys will meet us at the hospital" I answer knowing that they need someone with them judging by the tears in their eyes

"Everybody move the ambulance is here" some random shouts from the crowd after what feels like hours

"Sir, we need you to tell us what happened"   A woman who got out of the ambulance states

I takes me a minute to break my gaze away from Sophia but when I do I explain exactly what happened

"There doesn't appear to be any spinal damage" the male speaks and takes out the gurney

"Only one of you three are authorised to come into the ambulance with her" they inform us when we all attempt to get in

"Kayden you go, we'll meet you there" Rachel says taking her phone out, probably to call a taxi

I nod my head before getting into the ambulance and taking a seat beside Sophia's restless body

We get to the hospital in around about ten minutes but it felt more like hours. The whole way there I was being questioned about mostly things I didn't know the answers to

"Young man you're going to have to take a seat in the waiting room while we dictate the extent of her injuries" a nurse says after taking Sophia's gurney into A&E

A few minutes later I feel a presence sit down beside me and a hand lay on my shoulder but I don't bother sitting back up, I just stayed in the same position with my hand over my face

"Everyone's in the cafeteria, getting something to eat" Luke says breathing out "how is she?"

I sit back leaning my head against the wall rubbing the tears from under my eyes, I never usually cry, only when it's something really seriously and I guess this is one of those times

I sniff "They said in the ambulance that it looks like she's lost a lot of blood, that they need to stop the bleeding before its to late and they need to see the impact the fall had on her brain"

"She meant more to you than you're letting on didn't she?" He asks

I nod not bothered lying to my best friend "let's just say I know her longer than people think"

Luke doesn't get to answer because everyone else walk up to us

"Any news?" Maddie asks sitting down and I look to see that she has tear stained cheeks

Luke answers instead of me basically explaining what I had just said. I zone out for the rest of the conversation, only knowing that they're talking because I can hear their muffled voices in the background of my thinking

What happened tonight is my fault, if I hadn't have been at the club she wouldn't have seen me, she wouldn't have tried to leave early and she wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life right now. Even though she says she didn't leave because of me, I know she did. The only reason I was there was to forget about her

"Are you Sophia Grey's friends?" A middle aged nurse walks up to the square we're in to which we all nod

"Sophia's has just been brought to surgery to stop the bleeding but we have dictated that her brain hasn't been affected by the accident" she informs us "it will be the morning before any of you can see her so I'd suggest you guys go home and get some rest and come back tomorrow"

She doesn't wait for a response instead just nods her head and walks away

Luke sits forward and speaks so quietly only I can hear "mate maybe you should go and get some rest"

I shake my head "I'm not leaving, but you guys can go I'll text if there's any update"

"Call me if you need me ok?" He says and after I nod he stands up and explains what's happening

After saying our goodbyes they leave the hospital and I sit back down going back into my thoughts

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I wake up to a small shake on the shoulder and look up to see a nurse standing there holding a plastic cup of water out to me

"Your friend Sophia is up on the seventh floor room 172b, she's still recovering from surgery but we can't confirm if she will gain consciousness or not"

I nod my head and thank her taking a sip out of the water. She smiles politely before walking away

I check my phone to see if I got any messages since last night and it shows that I don't

I go into an empty elevator and press 7 and less than a minute later I'm on the seventh floor standing outside Sophia's door. I walk in to see her lying there face cleaned of excess blood but also full of cuts and bruises

I take the seat beside her instantly feeling bad again about how I'm the main reason she's like this

"I'm sorry phia" I mutter picking up her hand in mine "I should of just reacted quicker and pushed you out of the way"

"The nurse said that you mightn't actually wake up" I say and suddenly I feel a tear drop hit my hand "and it's my fault"

I'm such a sop. What the fuck is wrong with me.

"Everyone else is just gone home for the night it's still only seven so they should be back later"

I laugh to myself "I think this is the longest conversation we've had without fighting"

I look down resting my head in my hands and covering my face

"Who knew that's all it took to make the bad boy cry"

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