Chapter twenty-four - "Because you're such a princess"

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The bell for lunch goes after what feels like forever on Friday. For the past few days both me and Kayden sat on opposite ends of the table and we're involved in deferent conversations, just to make it less awkward for everyone else

On Friday I decided to go to my locker before going to the cafeteria because I left my bag in it this morning because I was rushing

"Hey what are you going doing later?" She asks leaning against the locker beside me

"I have to go to the baby store and buy a cot" I say closing my locker

"Oh my god I knew you were pregnant" she whisper shouts "why didn't you tell me"

"I'm not pregnant Kels why would you think that" I start "I'm babysitting Helens nephew this weekend remember"

"Oh yeah" she nods "are you and Kayden still that pissed at eachother that ye won't even say each others names?"

"He sent my private pictures to the whole school and was using me with Demi this whole time" I defend

"And that's why he's been with her everyday since" she says sarcastically

I don't respond just roll my eyes

"But seriously you guys used protection that night right?" She asks sounding serious

"Mhm?" I respond but it sounds more like a question

"Sophia" she whines "you do know that your more likely to get pregnant if it's angry sex"

"I'm not pregnant" I clarify

"You've been sick all week" she starts listing off ways that suggest I am pregnant "and you have the worst baby brain"

"What? No I don't"

"You got 11% on your last chem test" she deadpans

"I hate that subject"

"You've never failed it before"

"It was one test" I state "and I'm not sick anymore"

"Mhm" she says sarcastically

We walk through the cafeteria and sit at the end of the table. Everyone was having their own conversation including Kelsey so I decided to look through photos on my phone from Wednesday. Emma stayed at my house on Wednesday and Thursday because last weekend and this weekend she's been having a sleepover at one of her friends house because she's moving

I smile at the photos she took of herself on my phone and the selfie of us sticking our tongues out while watching Cinderella

"Sophia what time do you want us to come over at to build the cot and with the toys and stuff?" Connor asks

"Well Helen is bringing Mason over at five thirty so  I've to go shopping straight after school and then ye can come over at around five if that's ok?"

"Sure thing"

The rest of the school day goes pretty quick and as soon as the bell goes I quickly make my way to my car so that I can make sure my house is ready for Mason and Helen later

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