Chapter twelve - "you're not getting off that easy"

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I woke up the next morning feeling like shit in the most uncomfortable bed in a random bed and breakfast. It was the closest place I could find at like 3 in the morning

After RWH decided to drop one of my many secrets out in the open and I started to get hate all I wanted to do was go home. But then I remembered one small little problem, I don't exactly have a home to go to. So I quickly grabbed a bag I never got a chance to unpackaged bolted.

And now I'm here dreading ever moving to LA, there's so much other places where my life could just be simple and I managed to end up here.

I got out of bed and had a quick shower and all that before putting on a pair of dark grey fitted tracksuits and a baby pink sweatshirt (picture^). I left my hair in its natural waist length curls and didn't put any makeup on even though most of the bruises and cuts were still showing

Partially because I don't have my make up with me

Hopefully Racheal or Maddie won't mind getting my stuff out of Kayden's house. For some reason I think all eyes will be on me today.

After scrolling through my phone for a few minutes avoiding all the hate I'm getting I finally head to school. It ended up only being a ten minute drive so I just went to my locker avoiding all the stares and made my way towards where Rachael and Maddie would be

"Hey guys" I say not missing everyone staring at me, including Kayden and his gang

"Oh hey Sophia" Maddie responds bitchyly "or is that even your real name or was it another lie"

I'm taken aback not expecting her comment "I was going t-"

I don't get to finish my sentence before Rachel buts in "So we get that you're new here but we don't associate with liars so we think it would be best for us not to talk"

And then they were gone

It took me a minute but I turned around straight away making eye contact with a smirking Kayden. 

And that my friends is how someone goes from having everything to having nothing or no one

After a minute I decide to break the eye contact and I walk away towards the front doors and decide to sit in my car until I have to go to class. I mean there's no point in me waiting in that dump when I have no one there m

I'd be lying if I said that recent events haven't really effected me and don't upset me, people weren't kidding when they said the truth wouldn't get out in this small town, I guess I just never realised that my secrets were that big

The bell goes and a few minutes later I decide to go to class forgetting one little detail - it was chemistry and in chemistry I sit beside a certain someone I really wish I wasn't sitting beside

I walk in and mutter an apology to the teacher before sitting down and that's when the whispers start again but this time worse

Maybe I deserve what I'm getting but I have a cocky dumbass sitting beside me with a smirk on his face getting nothing but flirty winks

I got bored half way through the class and the teacher had to go talk to some one so I just took my phone out. As soon as she left and the door was shut everyone turned around to face us

"So how much times have you slept with him slut?"

"Pity the car didn't actually finish you off"

"I can't believe he lowered his standards so far"

"You've got no one"

"You've lost everyone and everything bitch"

And that wasn't the half of them

I pout my lips faking sadness my phone shining against my face "you know I actually heard that I drugged him to get him to sleep with me every single time just in case you want to talk about that too"

♡ ♡ ♡

Once lunch came around I decided to go to the cafeteria mainly because it's the place I'm most likely not going to be passed any heed of but as soon as I walked in the doors I realised that wasn't the case. It was like the one day I come here it's where everyone that hates me is

I buy a bottle for water and as I'm making my way to an empty table I see some girl I've never seen before half sitting on Kaydens lap. And he looks happy. I can feel everyone at his tables eyes on me as I walk past and the one thing I hate is looking uncomfortable so I just turn towards them, but straight away realise it was a bad idea when I see the look of hate they have for me - except for one


He looks more like he feels sorry for me

I sit down on the empty table leaving my water on top of it, still feeling their eyes on me I go on my phone wishing I was anywhere but here

And then I get a message I cant bear to open but know I have to


So new girls lost everything but it seems like Kayden's got all he needs. Oh new girl you wouldn't know, the girl with Kayden is what some would say is the love of his life, Demi and she's back for her man. Here's a photo just so you know how long they've been together

 Here's a photo just so you know how long they've been together

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Oh and your not getting off that easy new girl just wait




And then my phone beeped again along with everybody else's in the room


So your friend Marissa said hi again :) but we're going to leave that for another day ;)

But Regina has been nice enough to let us know that now you're homeless as well as friendless and that the only reason Kayden talked to you since New York was because he felt bad

Truth hurts babe


This probably seems like nothing to so much people but the build up of the last 24 hours events has really got to me so I do the one thing I'm good at, I grab my water and leave. All eyes follow me on my way out and I don't let myself show how upset I actually am until I get into my car

And I hate to admit it but Kayden's the reason for all of this

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