Chapter twenty-six - "whats the fun in that"

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Sunday went pretty quick mainly because I knew I had to give Mason back even though I didn't want to. We didn't do much we just watched tv in bed in the morning, went to visit Kayden and I bought him loads of toys and I printed off photos of us because why not. Helen got back at six and I hated saying goodbye to him

It's now Wednesday evening and I've been in to see Kayden everyday to complain about how everyone has been asking me about 'our' baby boy.

I'm now on my way to the hospital to pick Kayden up because he's getting out today. Once I get there I go up to his room where he's sitting out of bed his bag packed beside him. He's wearing a pair of half length

Half an hour later, we're sitting in mcDonalds stuffing our faces

"So what are you going to do tonight now that you can't go to the party?" I ask him smirking because for once he isn't getting what he wants

He puts his drink down "Actually"

"Kayden" I complain

"They actually said I can't sleep with girls not that I can't go to parties"

"And once you go to a party you have sex"

"No I don't

"Um yes you do" I take a sip of my drink "you go to a party, get drunk and the next time you're seen is leaving a room with some slag"

He rolls his eyes "I can go to a party and not have sex"

"Sure" I laugh

"I'll prove it" he says with a challenging glint in his eye "come to the party with me tonight and watch me not sleep with anyone"

"I have nothing to wear Kayden"

"You have a full wardrobe"

I raise an eyebrow not sure whether to go or not but the challenge in his eyes make me say my next words

"Fine whatever"

I look at the time "shit we're late"

"For what?" Kayden asks confused

"I get Emma for an hour today" I say and stand up, Kayden not far behind me

"Hi Kayden" Emma says shyly once I put her into the car

I close the back door and walk around the car getting in my side. Kayden and Emma are having their own conversation

"Can we go to the beach?" Emma asks walking into the kitchen once we get home

Kayden's sitting at the island on his phone, while I make food

"Sure" I say smiling at her "you go get ready your swimsuit is in your wardrobe" I tell her

When she walks away Kayden smirks "A chance to see Sophia in a bikini. I'm really starting to like the heat"

I pout "I would say I'm excited to see your abs but they're slacking"

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