Chapter fifteen - "New boyfriend"

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I wake up the next morning feeling so tired. I didn't get home until a little past three and then stupid me decided to watch Netflix

It's now 11 and I have two hours to shower and do my hair and makeup which believe me isn't half as much time as I need

Fifteen minutes later I'm out of the shower, with my music as loud as possible. I do my make up as quick as possible before blow drying my half dry hair and straightening it. I quickly go to my suitcase and grab an outfit

 I quickly go to my suitcase and grab an outfit

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I get to the bar at exactly 10 minutes to 1. Once I'm inside I'm greeted by Helen and Kelsey who are behind the bar serving customers

"Hey" I say sitting down on front of them

"Wow you look good"Kelsey says leaning against the other side of the bar "doesn't have anything to do with the the brown haired boy who just walked through the door"

I look around to see that in fact Kayden has just walked through the door "as if" I roll my eyes "I just wanted to make an effort"

"For who? Me?" Kayden asks taking a seat beside me

"No for the boy I invited for a drink" I look at my phone "he should be here in a few minutes" I bluff

"You're the worst bluffer ever"

I roll my eyes and Helen walks over to us "oh shit, did I forget to text both of you to say the meeting was cancelled" she grins

"Hm wonder how that happened" I sarcastically retort "in that case I'll take a vodka and coke"

A few too many vodka and cokes later for both me and Kayden, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I'm still able to walk properly and I'll probably be able to remember all of this if I don't have much more, but I will have a killer hangover in school tomorrow

I fix up my makeup and all that before making my way out of the bathroom and turn around the corner to see Kayden making out with some random blonde

I pat his back while I walk the opposite side of him leaving my hand on his shoulder. Out of shock he disconnects their lips giving me my queue

"I'm sorry but has my boyfriend, well I mean ex boyfriend told you about his current std? I mean it's totally up to you but I thought I would let you know before he decides to give it to another girl" I explain "luckily the last girl told me in time but I thought I'd just let you know"

I'm sure Kayden has seen red now as the blondes face turns into one of the disgust and slaps him before walking away

"I guess some people can believe my bluff" I say before walking away

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