Chapter ten - "Dont stop on my account"

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"Kayden I don't need a babysitter" I complain turning to him

He closes the door to his house "maybe you don't need a babysitter, but you do need someone to make sure you don't manage to get hit by a car again"

"And living with you is gonna stop that?"

"Well you can't live in a hotel forever phia and it's not like you've got all the money in the world"

I roll my eyes knowing he's right. I sit down slowly on the couch and he turns on the tv before sitting down on the opposite side

I got out of hospital today after a week of lying there by myself while everyone was at school and getting a few visitors in the evening and Kayden even managed to get Emma in to visit me on Wednesday

"Where are you're parents again?" I ask hoping that they won't be back until I manage to find a place of my own

"They're still up north" he responds putting some random tv show on "How are you feeling?"

"I mean it's still a little sore to move but a part from that I feel like I'm back to my usual self"

"You gonna go back to school tomorrow?"

"I'll go in for a bit anyway" I run my hand through my slick straight long ponytail, I haven't made any effort the past few days my face is natural and I'm wearing my grey tracksuit set "what's everyone saying about everything that happened?"

"There's been a few RWH messages wondering why I was always going to the hospital to see you and then some people managed to get photos of the night" he says resting his head in his hand

I check my phone just to be sure my next sentence is correct "wait I didn't get any of them"

"That's probably because when Luke and them had your phone they muted the messages from RWH"

I roll my eyes responding with a 'they didn't need to do that'

Both of our attention snaps to the window when it suddenly starts to bucket down rain and thunder and lightening begins

"I'm just gonna go for a shower" I say standing up

Kayden nods and smirks "you know where it is"

"You're a dick" I mutter looking back at him for some reason smiling

♡ ♡ ♡

"Wait so you live with Kayden now?" Maddie asks as we are standing beside my locker the next day at lunch

I look around to make sure no one heard her "I don't live with him I'm just staying with him until I can get a place of my own"

Me and Kayden drove to school separately partly because everyone would be so suspicious, and partly because Kayden somehow managed to get me a trial run at the bar he works in

"Well?" She raises a brow

"Well what?" I ask

"Jeez getting hit by a car did effect your brain cells" she rolls her eyes "did anything happen last night?"

"What no as if" I respond scrunching my face in disgust

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