Chapter twenty-three - "its fine, dont worry"

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I wake up the next morning with the worst headache in the word, one because I drank too much last night and two because the minute I woke up every single event from last night came crashing down on me

I unwrap my arm from around Kayden and slip out from under the covers. I realise that my change of clothes are in Kayden's car and I'm not sticking round here for any longer than I have too, so I just put on the dress from last night

I order an Uber and luckily I manage to slip out of the room without waking Kayden. Once I get into my Uber I give him my address so that I can go home and change

Once I'm changed and have fixed up my makeup I eat a bit of breakfast. It isn't until I'm sitting in the hospital sitting room that I get a chance to properly look at my phone, which is full of notifications from Kelsey and people from my school

I click into Kelsey's chat first

Kels🦄 - What the hell is Kayden playing at???

Kels🦄 - What's happening?

Kels🦄 - Soph I'm going to kill you

Kels🦄 - What's happening

I laugh at her persistent ness before responding

Me - I'm working tonight so meet me there whenever and I'll explain

I click out of the chat ignoring the messages from everyone else

"Sophia Grey" the same consultant from last time says smiling

I stand up and walk into the room. I sit down on one of the uncomfortable chairs

"So you got bloods the last time you were here" she says reading my file "so I've got the results"

I nod my head feeling like it's taking her forever to tell me them

"So" she starts still reading my file "luckily the blip wasn't anything serious but we have ruled it down to stress. It seems as though you've been under a lot of stress lately" she concludes looking up at me "it may have done nothing to you physically this time, but next time it could affect you in a worse way"

She continues to tell me about how I can't be putting myself under stress because of my health. She also said that I should contact my GP or the hospital if I get any symptoms so they can take more tests

"Thank you" I say a few minutes later walking out of the consultation room

♡ ♡ ♡

"You what?" Kelsey basically shouts across the bar later that night

"Shut up Kels everyone's staring" I complain

"I'm not the one that hoped back into bed with him again" she raises a brow shocked

"I was drunk and frustrated, it meant nothing" I defend

"What're we talking about" Reece says sitting beside Kelsey

I raise an eyebrow suggestively at Kelsey and she rolls her eyes smiling "Kayden and Sophia"

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