Chapter twenty - "I miss him"

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"How hard can it be to put a stupid bed together" I groan to myself after an hour of trying to put the stupid bed together

"Looks like you need some help" Kelsey laughs walking into Emma's room

"That'd be good thanks"

"Good thing it won't be me" she grins

I'm about to speak when she continues "Reece and Conor are on their way over"

I smirk raising a brow at the name 'Reece' coming out of her mouth

"What was I supposed to do hopelessly try make the bed with you" she try's to sound normal, keyword being try's "I don't think so"

"So what're we going to do for the day?" I ask liking the sound of not having to try and make the bed for my whole Sunday

"A little shopping couldn't hurt" she grins

I grin back and get up "just give me a minute to get ready"

I walk into my room and quickly do my make up, I'm already changed and have my hair done and when I come back out of my room Kelsey is sitting at the island with Conor and Reece the opposite side

"Well look who's here to save the day" I laugh walking into the kitchen

"No better people" Conor replies sarcastically

"I'm guessing Reece dragged you here just to see Kelsey" I smirk

"Pipe down Sophia, we get Kayden isn't here but he can come over later and make up for it" Reece retorts smirking

"Can't wait for that" I sarcastically retort

"Why don't you two just hop into bed already the sexual tension between you both is so thick" Kelsey adds

"Because I don't lose bets" I clarify plugging my phone out from beside the fridge

"So if there were no bets you'd be sleeping with him?" Kelsey raises a brow smirking

"I didn't say that"

"Yes you did" Reece smirks

"Whatever" I say "let's go Kels" I say and walk out the front door

A few minutes later I pull up outside the main shopping centre and we decide to go into Sephora first. I don't get much except a few things I'm running out of, whereas Kelsey buys tons

My phone beeps while we're in a random clothes shop

Kayden🤪- about my parents hating you, they may or may not have found your dress lying on the ground of my bedroom floor last night😇😎

I laugh and show the message to Kelsey, who finds it hilarious, before i respond

That's great maybe next time I'll let them walk in on us in your bed🤔🤙🏼

"Actually now that I remember there's no way you'd be able to cover my shift on Friday night?" I ask Kelsey "I wouldn't ask but I've to go with Kayden to some ball"

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