Chapter twenty-two - "I hate you"

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"Demi" Kayden says his arm slipping from around my waist

Demi smirks and I cough uncomfortably while Kayden's parents go up to hug Demi. "I should probably go" I whisper in Kayden's ear who is distracted looking at Demi

Demi's wearing a tight blue dress that flares out at the bottom. Her hair is up in a curled up-do hairstyle and Kayden can't keep his eyes off her

I turn around about to walk away but Kayden somehow takes his eyes of Demi to play it off as a hug "Don't"

I roll my eyes but make sure no one can see before putting a fake smile on my face and turning around. We all sit down around the circular table. The room is lit up by candles and dim lights

"Kayden sweetie, Demi was just telling us about how you and Demi are thinking of giving it another go" His mother says

I take another drink out of the wine on front of me. Kayden's hand ends up on my thigh where the slit in my dress is "I wouldn't say that"

"Then what was the reason you text me that you want me back?" Demi adds causing me to push Kayden's hand off my thigh

Kayden's dad coughs awkwardly and brings us another topic about something to do with work. I unlock my phone and click into my messages with Kelsey

Kayden's parents hate me. Demi's here and they love her. Kayden can't keep his eyes off her. I want to go home

I put my phone down for a few minutes waiting for Kelsey to answer

Chin up princess, don't let Demi win. Now get off your phone and make Kayden's parents like you and show Kayden what he's missing

I smile at the message planning on doing exactly what she says

I flick my hair behind my shoulders "So Mr and Mrs Wild, Kayden has told me about your line of work and I actually done a course on it last summer" I say in a sweeter voice than usual. I knew that a way too get in their good books is to bring up work, something Kayden told me earlier

For the first time that night Mrs Wild Looks at me with no disgust on her face "That's very inspiring for a young girl like you" she says "where'd you take the course?"

"I actually took it in New York, I grew up there, I only moved here this summer actually" I inform her, Demi scoffs at the other side of the table

"How did you get the infortune of meeting my son" Kayden's dad jokes

I laugh "I actually sit beside him in Chemistry and then we had mutual friends"

I'm about to take another drink but when I look up what's in front of me makes me freeze

My parents.

Mr and Mrs wild stand up to greet them which makes me feel even worse because I know they know each other

My mother notices me after she hugs Kayden's mum

"What are 'you' doing here" she says in a disgusted tone

Kayden's parents stop talking to my father, surprised by my mothers outrage

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