Chapter forty-seven - "You're both teenagers"

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"Wow you look like shit" Will says as I sit down on front of him and Ali

"Thanks" I fake smile

"You know what I mean, Sophia" he takes a bite of his chip "you're wearing sweatpants and a cropped bomber jacket and it's hot outside"

"Guess I'm just cold blooded"

"And don't even get me started in your hair, your natural messy curls got boring after a week sweetie at least change it for a day"

I take a sip of my coke "one, I'm a single mom, I don't have time to do myself up, and two, I'm at school and I hate almost everyone here I don't have to look good for anyone"

"Sophia, it's been weeks" Ali raises her voice but not enough for anyone around us to hear "we're sitting at a table in the corner of the cafeteria, you and Kayden haven't even looked at each other in at least a month and you're only hurting yourself"

"I told you why I'm not talking to him"

I never fully forgave Kayden and we never properly started talking but after the day i pretended I got with someone we just tried to piss each other, so in a way we were talking

But that all went downhill

"So what you walked in on him and his 'girlfriend'" she makes sure to emphasis the word girlfriend

And that's when it went downhill, the next week Helen was meant to be babysitting Kai because I had to go to an appointment and Kayden had told me he was working, but when I went to drop Kai off I opened the door and walked in on Kayden and his girlfriend doing it on the living room couch

Long story short I walked out put Kai back in his seat and cried my way home. Why? I don't know

"He lied again about working instead he was banging her" I defend myself "he'd rather spend time with her than his child"

"Sophia" she snaps "stop lying, stop making up excuses about why you're annoyed. Maybe part of it is because of Kai but there's another part to it and we both know that"

That shut me up

I cough awkwardly and a few minutes later the bell goes for next class

"What have you next? I've gym" Ali asks walking towards my locker with me

"Fuck" I say once I've opened my locker "that's why I don't come in on Wednesdays"

"What?" Ali raises an eyebrow

"I've got chemistry"

"Oh shit" she realises the same thing I do "When was the last time you turned up to chemistry?"

"On the days he wasn't in"

"Allison" a girl from our year calls Ali

"I've got to go, I'm sorry" Ai starts to walk away but turns around "good luck it'll be fine"

I smile half heartedly before walking to class

For once I was one of the first there. Kayden didn't walk in until the teacher was just finished calling the role

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