Chapter twenty-eight - "it was written all over your face"

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School break came before I knew it. Reece and Kelsey still weren't talking which made things awkward and caused a riff in the group - me and Kelsey sometimes went to the table but the days when the boys decided they wanted to bring other girls to the table or when things were extra awkward, we just went to McDonalds even though we're not allowed. Will had been stuck between the two groups so he spent some days with us and some days with the boys

It was the day after we got off and I'd been out drinking the night before with Kelsey, forgetting I had work this morning but luckily it wasn't bad because I was working with Helen

I was just home and had gotten back into bed when I was getting FaceTimed by Will. I answered the call and his face was on front of me a grin on his face

I raise an eyebrow knowing he's up to something

"Well someone's very lazy today" he says

"I wish" I yawn "I'm just back from work"

He nods "Anyway I'll get to the point"

I nod

"My parents are away for the week and I've noticed I haven't been seeing you and Kelsey as much so I was thinking ye could come over and we could have a private pool party" he concludes

"Okay?" I say wearily knowing he's up to something

"See you tonight at 9" he says "bring Kels"

And then he hangs up

Kelsey came to my house at six because she was shopping with her mom before that. I didn't do much until she got there only sleep to get rid of my hangover

When she got to my house all we done was lie in my bed and listen to music while bickering about how immature the boys were being

We got ready to go to Will's at eight. Neither of us were wearing making up because one, we would be in a pool and two, we were too hungover

Kelsey brought over a few swimsuits and bikinis she had and we both voted on the one we wanted her to wear, which ended up being a wine swimsuit that was low cut and showed enough but not to much cleavage

Kelsey brought over a few swimsuits and bikinis she had and we both voted on the one we wanted her to wear, which ended up being a wine swimsuit that was low cut and showed enough but not to much cleavage

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I ended up wearing a orange swimsuit that I only bought recently because I liked how it matched my nails. I had my hair down in loose curls even though they'd get wet i like my hair like that

 I had my hair down in loose curls even though they'd get wet i like my hair like that

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