Chapter thirty-six - "i went to the gym"

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It was five am before I was even called by a doctor and that was just to take my details. I had just came back out and taken the same seat I had been seating in for the past few hours beside the boy that hadn't said a word to me since the hotel room

I looked at my phone which was on 2% and the messages from everyone asking where we were. My make up was well and truly gone by the time they had finally called me in

"What happened?" The nurse asked me once I lay down on the bed. Kayden was in the chair beside me still saying nothing, not that I blamed him.

"I tripped" I lie, trying to look like I'm not nervous

"So when did you find out you were pregnant?" She creates small talk while setting up the machines

I glance at Kayden who is staring at my viewable stomach where the small bump has formed "two days ago"

"You didn't notice?" She smiles putting the gel on my stomach

I laugh "I thought it was from all the takeout I was eating"

"I was your age when I had my first" she tells me, she's noticed Kayden's actions and has probably put two and two together

"You were?" I smile "how did you find it?"

I smiles at the memory "when I first found out I was pregnant, I told no one" she laughs "I actually told no one until my bump was huge"

"What about the dad?"

"It was a one night stand, he had told me he didn't want children, it was a coincidence actually" she puts the machine on my stomach rubbing it around the bump "anyway I ended up having a little boy"

My babies heartbeat starts beating loudly surrounding the room. A tear of relief slides down my cheek and I see Kayden in the corner of my eye. His eyes are watery and next thing I know the doors close behind him

I look at the nurse and smile

"He only found out tonight?" She asks

I nod "having to bring me here probably didn't help"

"Everything will work out for the best" she assures me

The nurse double checks everything is ok with the baby, which luckily it is

A few minutes later I get into Kayden's car, again neither of us say anything until he pulls up outside the hotel

We walk into our hotel room silently and luckily for us everyone's asleep

The next morning when I woke up everyone was at breakfast. I changed and fixed my hair before doing my usual morning routine and then went down to the breakfast room

"Well look who decided to get up" William smirks when I sit down

I roll my eyes acting normal but not missing the look Kayden gave me from the other side of the table but by the looks of it he's acting like his normal self

"So where did you two get off to last night?" Reece smirks

"He pissed me off" I say taking a bite of my breakfast "so I went to the gym"

He smirks "she goes to the same gym as me so I decided to keep annoying her"

"Then?" Kelsey raises her eyebrow

Kayden laughs "let's just say we had a little fun in the changing rooms"

I almost choke on my drink

Everyone gasps and looks at me

"He's lying"

"Am not"

"Are too"

"Pay up" Kelsey puts her hand out to Reece

He rolls his eyes and puts a twenty dollar bill in her hand

"You guys were betting on us?" I raise my eyebrow

Kels nods "I seen you and Connor betting on me and Reece yesterday" she deadpans

I roll my eyes

The bus back home was leaving early but it was already decided that we were going to the mall on the way back

Me and Kels went to the most important place first - the food court

"Ew you never eat spicy foods" she says to me cringing

I shrug realising she's right and come up with a excuse quickly "I heard it's healthier in the long run"

She nods not taking much interest

We were walking out of the mall an hour later after shopping in our favourite shops including Victoria's secret, Adidas and Nike

A baby shop catches my eye on the way out and I see toys and clothes which doesn't help me in trying to act normal, pretending my life was normal for a few hours

It was early when I got home but to me it felt like the middle of the night. I went to sleep on the couch for a bit over an hour when my phone started ringing

The caller ID was anonymous but I answered it anyway. The voice I never wanted to hear again spoke before I even got a chance

"Hey Sophia sweetheart"

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