Chapter four- "Improved since last time?"

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Kayden's POV

I walk away from my friends and those blonde bimbo's who always follow us around. Don't get me wrong at the start they were a good fuck but now that a certain person now lives in LA, I can't help but realise that they're actually shit.

She's seriously got me fucked up now that she's here

I sit down on a curb at the side of the school where I always go when I want a drink or just time to think to myself

What sort of whimp am I

I take out one of the metal flasks I bring to school and basically everywhere with me. Someone sits down beside me and I know by the scent of vanilla that it's Sophia

I don't say anything and either does she but after a minute I take a swig out of it and slide it towards her

"Bit early for tequila ey?" She says handing it back to me after taking a swig

"Not today it isn't" I mutter today has been one weird day "and from the look on your face it looks like you could do with some too"

"Rumour has it we have history together" she mutters putting her phone down on the ground on front of her

I laugh taking another drink "but let me guess it's wrong" I smirk "oh wait it isn't"

"What were you even doing all the way in New York if you live here?"

"I was getting away from here"

"And you couldn't have done that in Arizona?"

"Would a girl like you have been in Arizona" I smirks and she rolls her eyes

"You still use those cringe pick up lines then"

"Well they worked on you didn't they"

"In my defence I was really drunk and you were the best looking guy in the club"

That was one hell of a night

I nod smirking "and in the bathroom, on the train and in my hotel room"

She rolls her eyes "I needed an escape and you were a good one"

"Well you know where I am"

"Nah I think I've came to my senses" A smirk grows on her face as she picks up the metal flask and taking a drink out of it "you weren't even that good anyway"

"That's not t-" I start but is interrupted by her phone ringing

I don't bother listening to her conversation but from the parts I did here I've gathered that she isn't going to be daughter of the year anytime soon

"Sometimes I wonder why I even listen to her" I hear her mutter as she's turning the sound off of her phone because the person is ringing back already

"Let me guess you'll pay for that one later though" I say pushing the tequila towards her

"That I will" She says and picks up the tequila and her phone before standing up "I'm going to keep this for today because I need it and I know that you have another one probably in the left inside pocket of your jacket"

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