Chapter eleven - "Thats gonna show"

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Kayden's POV

"Leave" I say looking at Regina as soon as Sophia leaves the room

The blonde I brought home lets out a gasp of surprise and disgust "you're going to pick that bitch over me"

"There isn't a choice, this was just a huge mistake"

The only reason I brought Regina back was because I was told that Sophia had already some one back

She rolls her eyes dramatically crossing her arms "you and your hoe are going to regret you ever said that"

I don't look up at her "leave"

She flicks her hair and storms off leaving me staring at the empty spot  Sophia had been a few minutes ago

I walk into my room to see Sophia with her back turned to me looking at a photo on my stand. I take the view on front of me and before I look get a chance to look back up Sophia is turned around to me

Before I get a chance to say anything the force of the slap she gives me moves my head sidewards

Damn that's gonna bruise

"I like it rough babe but that's gonna show" I smirk but as soon as I look at her I realise I've done something wrong

"You're gonna have to call Regina back for that one babe" 

"What did I do wrong this time" I roll my eyes

"Hmm I don't know does me trying to kill myself ring a bell?"

"I didn't say that"

"Then what did you say or is everyone lying to me?" She says getting more annoyed by the second

"I said that I rejected you an-"

"And that I ran out on front of a car because of it" she interrupts

"If you'd stop interrupting I could tell you" I say gritting my teeth in annoyance

She's really starting to piss me off

"Well whatever you said you've given the wrong idea" she shouts

"Well I could hardly tell the truth since you've been lying since the day you got here" I shout back

She rolls here eyes "Says you I don't even know what the hell you were doing in New York"

"Oh sure that's such a big lie miss my past is so bad my parents even hate me for it"

"You are such an asshole"

"Well you didn't have a problem with me every time you told me it was the last time"

"Says you I've slept with so many girls I'm a walking std"

"Well that shows your standards"

"Look who's talking Regina"

"Actually if you'd leave so I could call her back because she's better in bed than you"

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