Chapter sixteen - "the sweatshirt suits you"

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"So you went shopping?" Will asks me sitting at the side of the bar I wish I was

I roll my eyes answering the same question for the tenth time "I swear I did"

"Then tell me what you got"


"Why not" he pouts out his bottom lip

"Because it's called surprise"

He lets out a breath "fine. Whatever. I guess I'll find out tomorrow"

I stick out my tongue immaturely at him before serving another customer

It's 10 ó clock on a Thursday night and the bar is empty apart from a few locals. The stupid party's tomorrow and I still haven't got anything to wear, not thatWill can know that

A few minutes later I'm not surprisingly back talking to Will 

"Wait so you're the only one working tonight?" He asks

"Just me" I say. I was meant to be working with Kelsey but something came up so she had to go

The door opens a few minutes later while I'm on Instagram showing Will a photo

I put my phone down and look up to see Mark, the local from my actual first night at work walks in shortly followed by Kayden

I take my chance to see what Kayden is wearing, probably not as subtly as I want, which is a blue sort of sweatshirt that I remember seeing him wearing in New York and grey sweatpants

I take my chance to see what Kayden is wearing, probably not as subtly as I want, which is a blue sort of sweatshirt that I remember seeing him wearing in New York and grey sweatpants

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I stand up from my position and make my way over to where the two are sitting, which is basically a seat over from William

"The usual?" I ask and Mark nods and I don't bother waiting for Kayden's response because I know his order

"You're by yourself tonight Sophia" Mark says. I've actually got to know Mark and other locals more between working and just being here which makes work so much better

"Yeah Kels has to go something came up" I turn around with his drink "not that it matters there's not much going on"

A minute later I turn around with Kayden's drink who takes it off me with his usual smirk

"So the blue eyed boy beside me has nothing to do with your sudden epic makeup and sleek hair?" Will grins

I roll my eyes "As if, I'd hardly know if he was going to be here or not"

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