Chapter Six - "And the bitch strikes again"

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I got back to my house at around ten the next mornings and went straight to my room so I could get changed before bringing Emma to the beach

I have a quick shower in my ensuite before putting on a random pair of ripped denim shorts and a red crop top

I go downstairs and give Emma a hug when my mom walks out of the kitchen "where are you going?" She asks in a voice that I know means she isn't happy with me

"To bring Em to the beach to see her boyfriend" I say raising a brow

My mom shakes her head "no you're not"

"What? But I've been planning on bringing her since Monday"

"And you think that we will trust you with your sister"

I cross my arms "I haven't done anything wrong"

"You haven't done anything right"

I roll my eyes and tell Emma to go to her room for a minute "Why do I even try with you guys"

"I don't know why do you?"

"I don't know maybe because I thought if I kept trying then eventually my parents would show me some love and not make me feel like a piece of shit" I say before going up to my room and slamming the door

Before I know it I'm on my computer and booking a few nights stay in a hotel - not trying to spare the cost scene as it is my parents who are going to pay for it for me - not that they know that

I end up booking a hotel in the middle of the town close to the beach for a week even though I probably won't stay there that long.

I grab my baby pink Nike bag and throw in a few pairs of clothes, girly essentials and my laptop and chargers

I don't wait around long, I just make sure I've got enough money to get me through for awhile, - even though my family is rich there's only a certain amount my parents will let me have - and all the stuff I will need

I grab my stuff before going into Emma's princess themed bedroom "Soph where are you going?"

I bend down so that we are eye level as she pouts out her bottom lip "I've got to go stay somewhere else for awhile but I'll come and see you everyday ok?"

"What about the beach?"

"Mom's going to bring you because she's going to the beach anyway"

"Will you bring me next time?"

"Of course I will" I say and give her a hug "I'm sorry Em"

"It's ok Soph" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek

"Emma" mom shouts from downstairs "time to go"

Emma says goodbye before leaving her room, leaving me there with tears in my eyes because I can't help but feel like I'm letting her down

My phone beeps bringing me back to reality, I go downstairs and grab my car keys off the counter before leaving the house, locking the door behind me

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