I Saw What I Was

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I Saw What I Was

The thing I saw that day

When the veil was lifted

When everything fell away

My whole outlook shifted

Staring at the crusted mirror

Blood and grime, everywhere

As things grew clearer

I thought of my Alistair

A friend I hadn’t seen in years

Once again, my fears were prove

Then; a voice in my ear

Careful dear, beware the grove

Yet still, I went into there

Though I should not have

Unaware of what this affair

Would do, had I cared

I regret that day

When the veil was lifted

When everything fell away

My whole outlook shifted

I followed the path

Deep into the grove

Unaware of the wrath


Then I saw

The mirror on the wall

The most fearful thing of all

Staring into its depths

That day

When everything fell away

What happened, you see

The most fearful thing of all

I finally saw what I was


so i was going through some random word documents and i found this... and i scared myself xD  lol, anyways, here's the creepy little poem ;p

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