A Dark Place

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A Dark Place

Take me to a dark place

Where we can stay for a while

Let’s sit and talk for a while

About nothing

And everything

Take me to a dark place

Somewhere I can think

Let me be


And with you

Take me to my dark place

The place I can be me

Without hiding myself behind a mask

Where I can talk to you

To my heart’s content

Take me to a dark place

A place with no limits

A place with nothing I need to do

Where I can be free

With you

Take me to a dark place

The only place we can meet

Leave out all the words

We don’t need them to speak

Take me to a dark place

A place we’ve come to love

But as I tell you I find

My words have turned to knives

Piercing you

Killing you

That’s when I find

The place I’ve gone

The place I’ve been

The dark place where we walk

Just along the line of reality and dreams

My place

A dark place

Is tearing me

Torn between the two

Of what is

And you

Just before I tear the knives from your flesh

I lean in to meet your lips

The lips of the person

My beloved

My guide in the dark place we’ve created

The only person standing beside me

Walking with me

When nobody encouraged me

Being killed by me

I kiss you farewell in my dark place

And tear the knives from your skin

Realizing, that what was hurting was not you

But me

Then all shatters

I realize you were just a dream

Now I’m alone again

Lost in reality

Being forced to give more than I have

And I would gladly give it all

To just see you once more

In a dark place

As I cut my wrists

I can feel the life dripping down

Landing on the floor

Coloring it with red, the color of life

I watch it drip

Down onto the carpet

As I cut deeper

Things become blurred

But then, shining bright

I see you

Take me to a dark place

One last time

Take me to a dark place

It’ll even be fine

If I can’t go back to reality

Take me to our dark place

Hold me in your arms

Whisper words of comfort

Keep me safe from harm

And as I close my eyes

For one last time

Take me to a dark place

Never let me leave

Just a little explanation~ So this is just a little something I wrote for no real reason, told by a person having hallucinations, whose under a lot of stress and lookign for relief, getting lost in an imaginary world.  But when the person realizes what is wrong, in other words gets puts on meds or something and can't return to the dark place, the person cuts himself, and kills himself, goign back to the dark place one last time.

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