Flowers in the Snow

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Flowers in the Snow

Flowers in the snow,

Beautiful and cold

You wonder if they’d crumble

If you even were to touch them

Fragile, people avoid

Getting too close to the flower

A baby in a blanket,

Waiting to unfold

He has so much before him

So much he can never be told

He must discover

All alone, let the blanket unroll

Stay away, leave

You’re in no place

To even be here.  So, off, go now

Leave me alone now.  You tried,

You failed, so

Stop trying to prevail.  You lost.

You broke it,

Now you’re trying to hide it

Trying to cover it up,

But even beneath this makeup you force me to wear

The bruises, they’re all still there.  I’ve been hurt so many times

I’d go as far as to say, I’ve been bruised all the way through, so leave me

Leave me alone, I’d rather stay freezing, out in the cold all alone

Just like a flower in the snow

Just like a house that’s no home

Just like a sound with no tone

Or like music without sound


so i'm ending this book of poetry here, because otherwise it'll get really, really, really long....  So here you are folks, the next book of poems shall be put up soon.  I hope you enjoy the conclusion.

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