Old Poetry - Fall

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So I was going through old school stuff while I was unpacking some boxes, and I stumbled upon some things from foruth grade, from right before we moved out of the US.  It was probably writen in the last week before we came to Germany, and after deciphering it, I was surprised at how decent it was (for being from a fourth grader xD)  so I decided to put it up here :) (after correcting some horrid misspellings xD)

Here goes nothing ^^



The tleaves are changing colous

Ready to be naked

Thanksgiving is getting closer

Time to feast and play

Veteran's Day is a holiday

Let's shout and cheer

The fall fair is here

Sit around the fire

Making smores and drinking cider

Days get shorter

Days get cooler

That's what happens in fall


from a daily journal thing I think... I don't remember much about my elementary schooling in the USA, but I remember everything after getting to Germany ^^  I miss it there... we did a lot of work, but at least they don't make us write pointlessly like they do here in American schools....  I've a stack of materials from Germany that are rounghly (in US measurements... blegh, I don't like them, I think the metric system makes more sense) two feet tall, and that's from fourth to ninth grade, and one semester in US highschool gave me at least a fourth of that.... it's silly

But then again -- no offense to you who like american schools -- american schools are failing so I'll shut up before i go all philosophical and off about how america is no longer the country it was founded as...

greetings anyway


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