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"You only want it because I have it!" Baekhyun argued, his anger at his hyung rising with the challenge that was made. His words came out in something of a whine, like the younger brother that he was to Junmyeon in reality, and no longer full of authority like a leader of the Pack. He quickly added bitterly, pointing out what he thought was happening. "I didn't see you making a challenge when Soo was the alpha. You pushed me aside and gave him the position that was supposed to be mine from the start. Why don't you want me to be the alpha? What do you have against me, hyung?"

Junmyeon gave a shake of his head, trying to reassure him. "I have nothing against you, Light."

"Then why don't you want me being the alpha?" Baekhyun demanded to know.

For the moment, they were ignoring the three other people in the room--Mariel, Sky, and Jongdae. The three of them were silent, watching the argument unfold. Jongdae was tempted to step in and play the role of peace keeper, but he knew there was a chance they wouldn't listen to him. 

"I see what it does to you, and its not who you are." Junmyeon explained, and he wasn't the only one who saw it. Once before, Miran had also told him that his desire for the alpha position changed who he was. "A good leader isn't someone who barks orders at people. A good leader strives to seek the best for their pack--"

"Are you trying to say I don't want what's best for out brothers and sisters?" Baekhyun accused.

Junmyeon heaved a sigh, knowing he would get nowhere by talking to Baekhyun. His brother was too far off in his resentment in that moment to listen to him. The best solution he saw right then was to wait until they could return home, where he would formally announce his challenge against Baekhyun and everyone would start preparing for it. Instead, he turned to Jongdae, saying, "Don't leave for Japan just yet. Depending on how my challenge ends tonight, we might decide to go with you."

Jongdae gave a nod of his head.

The Pack's leader turned on his heel and stormed off in a huff. He headed to the back office, to inform Minho that they were headed back home. Minho called a car for them, and they all piled inside. Their destination was the Jackals' home.

Baekhyun had called Chanyeol on the way there, informing him of what was to come. "There's a challenge against me tonight." He explained to his best friend with a lack of enthusiasm. All the while, his eyes shot daggers at his hyung who was sitting in the same car with him. Already he felt outnumbered, knowing that Junmyeon would have Minho's support, as well as most of the Pack's. It wasn't that they didn't love Baekhyun and didn't want him as their leader. They just wanted Junmyeon in that position more. "Tell the others to be ready. Everyone has to be there. And tell Miran to pack our things. If I lose, we're leaving this fucking Pack."

His words caught everyone in the car, as well as Chanyeol, by surprise. The only one who spoke was Chanyeol. "Don't be such a fucking drama queen, Baek." He said from the other line.

"I'm being serious." He replied. "I'm tired of being humiliated in this family."

"But Baek--" Chanyeol started to protest, but he was cut off.

"If you want to, you're welcome to come with us. If not, then stay out of this. Don't try to stop me." The current alpha put the offer out there, but before Chanyeol could even answer, he hung up the phone.


When they arrived at the Jackals' mansion, Junmyeon showed Jongdae to the room where he and the two women would be staying for the night. They would only be staying overnight, since the very next morning he planned to head to Japan to help the others. The room--Junmyeon had explained to them--belonged to Jongin and his wife Jiyeon. But they weren't using it at the moment. They were off in Busan, on their honeymoon.

Almost as soon as they entered the room, Sky went into the bathroom to shower. Mariel knew that her friend was just using it as an excuse to leave the two alone. Mariel hadn't seen Jongdae in months and she needed an explanation as to where he had been the whole time.

She sat on the bed, Jongdae slowly sitting next to her.

"How..." Mariel started in awe, remembering the day everything happened. "I saw you there, on the ground, with my own eyes. Your brothers saw you too. You were dead, Jong."

"I'm not gonna lie to you, baby, I saw the end near." He said with a sigh, a hand subconsciously resting over the material of his jacket where his injuries were located. "By the time they left me for dead in front of the house, I was barely hanging on by a thread. But I just kept thinking in my head--repeating to myself--that I needed to come back to you. Somehow, that kept me going. It felt like hours passed before someone came back for me. It was someone I'd least expect to get help from. Terada Mitsuki." Though it wasn't the time for it, Mariel felt a hint of jealousy at the fact that someone else had been there to help Jongdae and not her. "She took me to a private hospital where--she tells me--that I was unconscious for a whole three weeks. The doctors said it was a miraculous recovery. They bandaged me up and I was discharged last week. That was when I came to Korea."

Mariel felt a fresh wave of tears coming to her. "Jongdae, I'm just so glad you're alive." She threw her arms around him, and knocked him down onto the bed, her lips pressing sweet kisses onto his face.

Her kisses found his lips and suddenly became more urgent, Jongdae kissed her back with a longing. He hadn't kissed her lips or held her in his arms in so long, he had almost forgot how nice it felt. She climbed on top of him and her hands began to wander slowly until they found the bottom of his jacket, picking up where they had left off when she thought he was just another customer at The End of the Night. But he wasn't just another customer because she wasn't being paid to be with him, and pretend to love him.

Mariel Santos Peralta truly loved Kim Jongdae, and she wanted to be only his.

She had pulled his jacket off, his shirt following soon after. Her finger tips traced along the bandages wrapped around him and she moved down, leaving a trail of kisses until she reached his pants. She paused for a moment, looking up at him with a grin.

Just as she was about to continue, they heard Sky open the door to the bathroom. She ran out covering her eyes and headed towards the door. "Let me give you two some privacy before you really get it on."

Jongdae felt a blush tint his cheeks, but it was soon forgotten when her hands gripped the waist of his jeans.


sigh. i wish i was a smut writer, that way i would feel shameless writing a steamy scene. but im catholic, so every time i write something remotely smutty, i feel like i wanna jump into an olympic sized pool of holy water. 

here is a small amount of jariel action, and also some baek drama. tbh i think i have decided that baek doesn't really want to be an alpha. all he wants is to be appreciated and loved. his father rejects him, his first wife died, he thought miran was unhappy with the pack, and he felt pushed aside by his hyung. its just pent up jealousy and resentment. 

tbh he is me. im like that. im very sentimental. 

like if someone did what jun did to baek, my reaction would be exactly the same. "what did i do? why didn't he pick me?" im a jealous little shit too.

anyway, i hope you're all liking the sequel. going to bed now. gotta work in the morning.


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