f i f t y t h r e e

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$ f i f t y t h r e e $

Ciel was fast asleep after having been sedated to lessen the pain in her eyes. It had been clear that a chemical had been used to blind her, but Yifan did not know to what extent it had been done. The doctor had observed her and came to Yifan with his conclusion. "Her corneas were damaged beyond repair." He explained with a sigh. "She wasn't put through any other physical pain. She was merely held down and had chemical forced into her eyes until they burnt her corneas to a crisp."

"Is there a way to fix it?" Yifan demanded with frustration.

The doctor considered the options he could think of. "There's always surgery. But you need a donor--"

Yifan quickly interrupted him when he heard the pessimism in the doctor's voice. "We'll fine one. And if we don't, I'll give her my eyes." In his view, it had been his fault that she could no longer see and he loved her enough to give her his eyes in return. He couldn't bear to know that she would be in darkness for the rest of her life.

At that, the doctor gave a shake of his head. "There's always a chance your eyes won't be compatible with hers, or the surgery could go wrong in any way." He explained to Yifan. The leader of the Coven felt himself getting more frustrated. He didn't know why he had even called that doctor to tend to Ciel's injury. He had been the pack's doctor for years because he was available at all hours and accepted bribes. But he was always pessimistic and gave people for dead for injuries that appeared like more than just a scratch. This time, he warned Yifan about another observation he had made. "I just wouldn't recommend you wasting your time and your eyes like that. Your wife has hemophilia, I noticed it when I hooked her up to the IV, and a surgery that big would kill her. She would bleed to death on the operating table regardless of whether your corneas were a match or not."

That was another person in Yifan's pack that had the condition. The other was Yixing, and it was the reason he hardly sent him out on missions that involved bloodshed. Even the slightest cut could send him to the hospital and not make it out. Yifan had been surprised when they were in captivity, how Yixing had been tortured by electric shocks and lived. 

But perhaps it hadn't done enough damage to cause internal bleeding, otherwise he wouldn't be with them then. 

Yifan knew the condition well, and now he knew he had to take care of Ciel even more.

"So there's nothing we can fucking do?" Yifan asked, running a hand through his hair. 

The doctor shook his head. "If you want your wife to live, then no."

Yifan got his cellphone out of his pocket and desperately searched his contact list for another doctor. He shook his head in denial as he spoke. "No. I won't accept that. I'm going to get a second opinion."

"Go ahead." The doctor said, unaffected by his threat or the fact that Ciel was left blind. He was very nonchalant, as it meant absolutely nothing to him. "Get all the second opinions you want. They'll all tell you the same thing I just did. You can give her the transplant and kill her or you let her live without sight for the rest of her life. Frankly I think the second option is the better one, but its up to you." With his job having been done, he walked past Yifan and left the room. He knew to find Lu Han for his check and he would be out of the casino within minutes. 


Things with Darleen had taken off slow, and it had been difficult for her to adapt to his life. It was a life of crime after all. She couldn't go out as much as a regular person because he was such a wanted criminal and other gangs might use her to hurt him--just like they had done with Ciel and Yifan. But Darleen was slowly starting to accept him because she saw that underneath the crime and the weapons and money, they were a family that genuinely loved each other. And she saw that Sehun cared about her. 

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