f i f t y n i n e

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$ f i f t y n i n e $

Minha gulped nervously at the sight of her. When Lu Han informed her that he was married and wasn't interested in her, she never imagined that his wife would visit her an hour later. Minha barely even had the chance to dry herself off and get dressed when Meilin was already waitnf for her in her living room. "Look, we haven't met yet--" She started, in a hasty attempt to explain things to rid herself of all blame, but she was instead cut off by Meilin.

The member of the Coven gave a roll of her eyes, her arms still crossed over her chest while she eyed Minha with disdain. "I honestly don't want to meet you if you're the type to try to snatch taken men from their wives."

"That's what you should tell your sister Miran." Minha shot back bitterly, seeing that she wouldn't win the argument any other way. But she still continued with her introduction. If she could get out of getting Meilin telling her off, she would try it. "My name is Minha and Light is my husband. He and I have been going through some problems and I just wanted to make him a little jealous. I had no idea Han oppa was married. When I knew him, he was still single."

Meilin heaved an uncaring sigh before taking a step towards Minha, eyes darkening like a storm as a threat made its way out of her lips. "I don't know what problems you have with your boy, and that's none of my business. All I know is that yes, someone else is with him now. But that wasn't their fault. Everyone thought you were dead. As for Miran, she's a sister of my pack. So if you mess with her, you mess with all of us. Lastly, if you ever so much as touch my Han again, I'll chop your hands off." She had now uncrossed her arms and grabbed a hold of Minha's, taking her gun out from where it was concealed, to trace a line around Minha's wrist, signalling that it was where she would cut her if she ever touched Lu Han again.

"What--" Minha gulped.

But once again, Meilin denied her the opportunity to speak. She knew her kind and she was sure Minha would just go around blaming others to try to get out of it. Instead, the ebony haired Chinese woman said to her in a menacing tone, "You think you can go around throwing yourself at someone else's husband and get away with it? Someone needs to stop you before you get more out of hand, and since you don't seem to want to listen to people who once cared about you, maybe it'll stick if you hear it from someone who doesn't know you and doesn't give a fuck."

Minha eyed Hyuna who stood behind Meilin, her eyes begging her for help. But Hyuna shot her a look as well, one that said you need to hear this.

"Hey, leave her alone." Sunjoo hissed, getting in between the two girls.

She pried Meilin's hand away from Minha and shoved it to her side, standing before her protectively. Now that her sister-in-law was there to save her, Minha seemed to grow some sudden bravery. 

"Get out of my house." Minha spat, "Your husband isn't even that great."

Meilin laughed sarcastically, tilting her head up towards the ceiling in disbelief. "Funny how you were stuttering and cowering when you were alone. But I've already said what I wanted to say. Stay away from my Han, and his family." She linked arms with Hyuna and said to her, "Lets get out of here, Hyuna." 

As the two girls passed them, Minha hissed with venom in her voice, "You're a fucking backstabber Hyuna. You're dead to me."

"You're still dead to me." Hyuna replied indifferently. 

She would instead choose to remember Minha as the good person she used to be. This new person was someone else. Choi Minha was dead and buried.


Mariel continued to cry into her hands and Jongdae immediately got back up to standing and pulled her into his arms. She accepted his embrace and cried harder, burying her face in his neck. Her tears soaked the collar of his shirt and tore through his heart. She really wanted to give him children like he wanted, but she couldn't. All because of something that had happened many years before.

"Baby, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I-I'm sorry." He said to her. His normally higher pitched voice dropped to a lower register.

"No, Jongdae." She quickly shook her head, her voice whiny and shaking with her tears. She continued to hide her face in his neck while she spoke. "Don't apologize to me. I'm the one who should be apologizing. You want to have kids and I can't give them to you. I'm worthless. This just adds more to my worthlessness."

He pulled back away from her, taking her hands in one of his. With the other, he grabbed a hold of her chin and tilted her head up to face him. In her eyes was something he recognized as shame, like it had been her fault and she had something to be ashamed of. She didn't understand that she had been a victim. Everything that happened to her before and after she came to Korea hadn't been her fault. He kissed her sweetly on the lips, reassuring her with gentle words. "You're everything to me. I don't know why you would think I'd leave you for something like this." 

The engagement ring box was still in one of her hands. He took it from her and pulled one of her hands out, getting back on one knee. Jongdae kissed every single one of her finger tips softly before returning to her ring finger and sliding the beautiful diamond ring onto it. 

"Nothing would make me happier than making you Mrs. Kim." He said, tears touching his own eyes. They had been tears of hurt, but hurt at the sight of her crying like that. She had been genuinely worried that he would leave her. 

"But Jongdae--" She tried to protest.

She didn't want to tie him down to someone like her. He deserved better.

"We don't need to have twelve kids of our own." He informed her, matter-of-factly. "I had a family growing up. But I remember duizhang and alpha always told stories of their childhood on the streets. They didn't have parents or a family. We could just as easily adopt twelve children who need our help. I would love them just the same whether they came from us or not." When he mulled it over for a moment, he corrected himself. "Well, we couldn't easily adopt them because the Korean government would never let a wanted criminal to adopt any children. But we can find a way around that."

Mariel sniffed, her tears having stopped already. "You would do that for me?"

He got back onto his feet and cupped her face in his hands, pulling her in for a kiss. In a whiny voice, he practically begged her, "Marry me, baby. Come on, say yes."

She rolled her eyes playfully at him and heaved a small sigh. "I guess."

"You guess? That's it?" He whined again, playing along. "This is the response I get after that well thought out proposal?"

Now she was the one to kiss him on the lips, throwing her arms around his neck happily. The tears that stung her eyes returning to being tears of joy. "There's nothing I've wanted more since we met."


a cute little update with mariel and jongdae after that intense first part with meilin and minha. i actually want to have jongdae and mariel adopt twelve children. im already planning how this will go down too. so stay tuned for more of that. 

now im going to do my grocery shopping, then im going to shower and go to sleep because i have to get up super early to go to work tomorrow.

thank you so much for reading.


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