f o u r t e e n

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$ f o u r t e e n $

Yifan had taken her hand and shook it. She soon went back to sit in front of the vanity mirror and continued brushing out her hair. Yifan stood at the doorway awkwardly, until he finally cleared his throat to get her attention once more. "I'll let you get your rest now. If you need some clothes to wear, tomorrow I'll ask my second in command to take you and Mariel shopping." He already considered Mariel a part of his family, and if Mariel had brought someone with her, he would welcome her as well. 

Sky nodded gratefully, but informed him with a lack of shyness. "I have my clothes that I wore when I escaped from The End of the Night with Mariel, and Miran from the Pack let me have some of her clothes." At the club she had been taught to be confident and how to lure men. There was no room for shyness within her. "I'm just wearing this shirt because I wanted something comfortable to sleep in, and this looked comfortable enough." She gestured to the button down light blue shirt that appeared gigantic against her small figure. She wasn't as small as Mitsuki, maybe a couple of inches taller. But she looked small in his shirt. "Thanks though. That's really nice of you. I had heard from Jongdae that you weren't exactly the friendliest guy, but that your heart was in the right place, even though you don't always make the best decisions."

Her words managed to make Yifan crack the slightest hint of a smile. To him, it felt like it had been a long time since he had smiled. The feeling almost felt foreign to him."Fucking Jongdae."

The leader of the Coven knew that out of all his members, Jongdae was the one who seemed to have the most hope in him, hope that he could change. The others had the same hope for him, but Jongdae was the one who most believed in him.

Sky had left out the part where Mariel had told her that he wasn't easy to talk to either, or that he always looked very intimidating. Yifan and Mariel weren't close. He only accepted her because she was with Jongdae. Mariel hardly talked to him because of the reasons she had given her friend.

"Don't be mad at him." Sky said with a smile, and then she continued. "For the most part, he made you sound like a great guy when he talked about you."

"That's good to know." He said to her, the small smile that had broken through his cold exterior remained on his face. With a sigh, he turned and pushed the door open. "I'm going now. Goodnight Sky Blue." He bid her a goodbye, curious about what her real name was. But she didn't want to tell him yet. She hadn't used her real name in years, and was mostly known by her stage name currently. But with the start of her new life, she was highly considering going by her real name again.

"Goodnight duizhang." She replied with a smile.

He left her room that night, but did not return to sleep with Mitsuki. He had a lot of things that he wanted to think about. His one sided forced relationship with Hani, Mitsuki's proposal to help him forget the woman that he claimed he loved, and the beautiful dancer that was now staying at his house. He went to find another room to sleep in, one of the empty ones, and once Sky knew he had disappeared down the hallway, she couldn't help but squeal with excitement and practically ran out of the room in search for Mariel.

She found her friend's room and gave three urgent knocks. It was about a minute before she heard Jongdae's voice. "Who is it?" He called, with a hint of annoyance that he was being interrupted.

"Its Sky." The dancer said from outside in the hallway. "I'm really sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to Mariel for one minute about girl stuff."

His demeanor changed entirely when he heard who it was. His words suddenly turned friendly. jongdae could have easily refused to open the door if it was one of his brothers because he knew they would understand him. But Sky was Mariel's friend and they didn't have a friendship relationship of quite that level. "Oh, sorry Sky noona. She'll be right there." 

There was shifting heard in the room, and heavy breathing, and the throwing around of clothes. It was yet another minute before Mariel came to the door, her hair was a mess, and she was wearing her boyfriend's shirt. 

"Hey Sky." She greeted her friend with a smile.

"I met duizhang just a few minutes ago." Sky gushed with excitement. But it was a feeling that she had never felt before and she felt as giddy as a teenager. 

Mariel eyed her with confusion. "And...it went well? He's really scary."

Sky gave a shake of her head. "He was nice to me, and I just wanted to thank you for bringing me here. I can finally start a new life, and I can stop being that girl from that strip club who sold her body to creepy men every night. No offense, Jongdae-ssi--" She looked over Mariel's shoulder at Jongdae who was laying in his bed waiting for Mariel. 

"None taken, noona." Jongdae assured her with a grin.

Sky hadn't slept with Jongdae, but he had certainly been one of the creepy men who had gone to the night club to request Mariel.

"I'm cheering for you with duizhang. Fighting!" Jongdae called out to her from inside the bedroom. "He needs to stop forcing Hani noona to stay by his side. I would have cheered for Mitsuki noona because I appreciate what she did for me. But I'm Catholic and I don't support the dissolving of marriages." He informed them matter of factly. For a split second, Sky was tempted to comment that Catholics also weren't allowed to have sex before marriage, yet there he was, having a marathon of it with Mariel. But she said nothing of it since he was supporting her after all.

"That's all I wanted to tell you." Sky finished with a bright smile. "Sorry for the interruption. I just couldn't wait until tomorrow. I'll let you get on with your love session now. I hope you'll be able to walk tomorrow." She winked at Mariel.

"Please." Mariel rolled her eyes playfully. "When I get done with him, he's the one who won't even be able to get out of bed. He'll literally be all tired out."

Sky shot them a thumbs up before disappearing down the hallway, returning to her own room. Mariel watched her go and sighed, after closing the bedroom door. 

"I'm so happy for Sky." She said to Jongdae. "She's never known real love."

"That's why I think she and duizhang would be a good match." Jongdae agreed with a nod of his head. "Other than us--his brothers--he hasn't known real love either. He thinks he loves Hani noona, but all of us can tell its just an obsession."

Still, Mariel worried in the back of her mind. She saw the way the leader of the Coven treated Hani, even after he claimed that he loved her. She didn't want Sky to be treated the same way. Mariel knew she wouldn't just be able to stand by and let it happen. It already took all of her willpower not to challenge him whenever he spoke with harsh words towards Hani, and she barely knew her. 

She didn't want Sky--or anyone, for that matter--to suffer the same fate.


a semi filler ish chapter for you all. updates are going to be slow for the next four days because i work thursday to sunday. so please bear with me. when monday comes back around i'll probably update more. 

thank you all so much for reading and supporting my stories. 

i hope you're all having a wonderful week. on a sad note, mexico lost to the mighty germany at the confederations cup *im bitter*. 


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