f i f t y

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$ f i f t y $

"Mariel can you go with me to the toilets." Ciel had gotten up from her seat at the main table and walked over to her friend who was sitting cuddled up next to Jongdae. His arm was around her shoulders and her hand on his chest as they talked to Bekhyun and Miran about going on a huge couples date later. Jongdae had been talking about how they would need to find someone for Yixing, since he was the only one of them who didn't have a partner, and Baekhyun said the same about Chanyeol. "I'm going to need assistance with this beautiful death trap." She gestured to her puffy white dress. 

Her friend quickly got up from her seat and pecked her boyfriend on the lips, assuring that she would be right back. He nodded his head and slapped her butt as she walked off with Ciel. The two went to one of the more private bathrooms by the end of the ballroom. No one knew where those were and only the members of the Pack and the Coven were using them.

They closed the door behind themselves and Ciel went to one of the stalls. "I kinda just need you to gather all of it and put it in my arms." She explained, and Mariel gave a nod of her head.

She kneeled in front of her and gathered the material of the puffy dress, pulling it up as she straightened herself out and placed it in Ciel's arms. The bride smiled at her thankfully and closed the bathroom stall door. Mariel waited by the sinks, checking her make up as she waited in case Ciel might need extra assistance. She thought nothing of it as she heard the door to the toilets open, but her eyes widened as she saw someone standing behind her in the reflection of the mirror. A man dressed in all black and his face covered by a ski mask.

Before she had any time to react, he hit her in the back of the head with his gun. Hard.

Mariel fell to the floor with a thud, unconscious.

Ciel heard the noise and hurried out of the stall to see her friend lying on the floor unconscious. Her eyes scanned the room to see the attacker standing there. He aimed his gun at her, and Ciel raised her hands up in the air, eyes widened in shock.

It wasn't hard to figure out she was the person they were looking for, since it was a wedding and she was wearing a big puffy dress. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the toilets. There was a back hallway that led towards a service exit, and he led her there at gun point. Ciel had taken a risk on the way out. She had seen a fire alarm and she pulled on it, the whole building was then engulfed in red lights and an alarm sound. 

The attacker urged her out of the building quicker, to a waiting van in the darkness. Inside were six other men who bound, gagged, and blindfolded her. 

When Mariel woke up, she had a throbbing ache in the back of her head and she could hear a blaring alarm ringing all through the building. She ran out into the hallway and towards the ballroom to find a commotion. People were being evacuated out of the building because it was thought that there was a fire. 

Jongdae had refused to leave without her and went to search for her along with Yifan who was looking for Ciel. It had been difficult, but they found each other in the crowd of guests at the party. Jongdae hugged her tightly, "Are you okay, baby?" He asked her, holding her desperately.

She nodded, but as they pulled away, Yifan noticed that she was alone.

"Where's Ciel?" He asked Mariel.

Mariel remembered the attacker in the toilets and began to desperately explain to the leader of the Coven. "Someone went into the toilets when I was there with Ciel. He hit me in the back of the head with his gun and I don't remember what else happened. But I'm sure he took her, duizhang."

"If someone took her, they're not getting out of this casino." He said with determination, and reached for his cellphone. He called the security office number in his contact list and waited for an answer. "Shut the fire alarm off, and don't let anyone leave the casino. We're all on fucking lock down until we find my wife. Check all the security cameras too, I want to know what everyone was doing when it happened." He demanded desperately. He couldn't believe that just when he thought he had found his happiness, it was being taken away from him. But he wasn't going to give up so easily.

Whoever had done this to him, he was prepared to make them pay.

He would have no mercy.


Ciel was taken to an old warehouse that the Hellcats owned, somewhere deep in the city. She was kept in a room that looked like a jail cell, and tied to a chair to keep her immobilized. "My husband will find me." Ciel warned her kidnappers fearlessly. She knew that Yifan wouldn't stop until he had her back in his arms. "And when he does, you'd better pray you can find somewhere to hide. You'll be sorry you messed with our family."

"You're a brave little thing, aren't you?" JB teased in amusement. He wasn't afraid of her. He grabbed her chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting her head up. She struggled in his grasp, still blindfolded. "You won't be so brave afterwards. That is, if you make it out of here alive."

While Ciel had already long since been taken out of the building, it had been hours that the wedding guests were kept at the casino. The security guards had checked every single camera for footage of Ciel and finally found something. A camera in the hallway had caught her being taken out of the building at gun point, and it also revealed that she had been the one to pull the fire alarm, probably in an attempt to make her kidnapping noticed.

The guards went with Yifan with the footage and he sat at the main table with his head in his hands. Junmyeon quickly went to his side to comfort him. "We'll find her, Fan. Don't worry."

"I promised I would protect her, and that she would never suffer again." Yifan said, looking up towards Junmyeon from where he sat. 

"This is something out of your control." Junmyeon insisted.

"Can we let the guests out now, duizhang? Everyone's starting to get impatient." Jongdae asked, though trying to be understanding. He and the other boys had personally taken the inspection of the casino into their hands. They had checked every corner of the building for any signs of her, but had turned up with nothing. Then they had personally gne down to the car garage and checked every vehicle. But whoever had taken her was already long gone, and they had confirmed it with the security tapes.

Yifan heaved a sigh of defeat. "Yes. Let everyone go."

"You should go get some rest." Hani said to him with concern upon seeing him so emotionally affected by her absence. 

But he refused with a shake of his head. "I won't be able to rest until she's back here with me, safe." Getting up from the table at the front of the ballroom which had once been filled with celebration, he informed them, "I'm going up to the security room to run through the tapes of tonight. You guys go get some rest and I'll let you know if I find anything."

None of the others fought him on it, since they knew he wouldn't budge. Wu Yifan wouldn't rest until he could find his Ciel Azure.

And she was running out of time.

E N D  O F  P A R T  O N E


so a dramatic end to the first part of this story. 

also, i WAS able to get a sneaky pic of my asian mango. except my friend wanted to do only cardio today and he was lifting weights so the pic is bad quality because he was far away from me. but the pic doesn't do him justice tbh. that bod looks more toned and broad in person. he wore his cap, his white nike shirt and light gray basketball shorts. he looked good.

here is the pic:

please dont judge me

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please dont judge me. lol


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