f i f t y s i x

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$ f i f t y s i x $

"He's going to regret rejecting me." Minha muttered to herself bitterly whilst she made her way back to the lobby of the casino with only a towel wrapped around herself. "He can forget about seeing our son ever again."

She was soaking wet, and hard as she tried, she had been unable to separate Baekhyun and Miran. She thought her plan was full proof. That Miran would see them together and understand that Baekhyun was her husband. But it had been the other way around. It only served to make Baekhyun lash at her and yell at her, leaving her humiliated before him and his new girlfriend. She had been thrown out of the room without even being given the time to grab her clothes, which had been left strewn across the bathroom floor.

People stared at her, but it was mostly hotel and casino workers who muttered to each other. The place was nearly abandoned at that time of day. It was at night time when things got busy.

She walked into the lobby to see Baekhyun's friend and Coven member Lu Han with the baby. He was a natural, sitting on the ground with Yunkyeom, using stationary from the lobby front desk to play with. The three year old was busy drawing happily and sitting on the carpet floor of the waiting area. Lu Han was sat next to him, smiling happily as the child seemed to be talking to him about something.  

As she approached him, Lu Han looked up and his eyes widened in surprise. But he didn't dare ask what had happened to her. He had known Minha from his time in the Pack many years before. But the women in the pack never really talked to the other boys that much. They were more reserved and talked amongst themselves. Minha was like that as well. The only males in the pack that she talked to were Baekhyun and Junmyeon, since she had known them the longest. With the other boys, she greeted them in passing and had made casual conversation, but there was never really a friendship between her and them.

"Please take me home now." She sniffled, feeling her sense of pride dwindling.

Lu Han nodded his head and quickly got back on his feet, lifting the child up in his arms. Lu Han was still surprised at how much the little boy resembled his father. He was a tiny version of Baekhyun with the very same smile, and the very same personality. He had instantly warmed up to his uncle Han as Lu Han had introduced himself to him, and he giggled in his uncle's arms.

Before they could make their way out towards the parking structure, Lu Han decided to do the gentlemanly thing and set the child back down on the ground. He slipped out of his suit blazer and placed it around Minha who was beginning to shiver from the cold. She thanked him with a nod of her head and held the material of the jacket close to her for warmth, and as a way to conceal herself since they were about to walk out into the public.

They reached the structure within minutes and Minha climbed into the car when Lu Han opened the door for her. He strapped the child into his car seat and they were on their way.

It was another few minutes before they reached Jackals territory and they stopped at the gates of Jinki's house, which he shared with the rest of his pack. "Thank you for bringing me back to my house." Minha nodded gratefully in a small voice, trying to play herself as the victim. But she had another plan in mind.

If she wasn't going to have Baekhyun, then she would try to make him jealous with one of his friends

"No problem." He assured her.

Takin him by surprise, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his hungrily. Her hands quickly reached to fumble with the buttons on his shirt. But Lu Han reacted quickly and placed his hands on her shoulders, pushing her back gently, but at the same time with a determined force.

"What do you think you're doing?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Her index finger traced down his jawline slowly as she purred seductively with an offer. "Lets show Baekhyun what he's missing out on, Han oppa."

She started to lean in again when he pressed his hand to her lips, refusing. "I'm married. I love and respect my wife. I would never betray her. Please don't misunderstand. I only helped you because you were Baekhyun's wife. Please get out of my car right now."

"Fine." Minha huffed in annoyance. "Fuck you and Baekhyun. I don't need this."

She opened the door to the car and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Then she went to the back seat and grabbed her son. Together, they walked up to the front gates, where she was buzzed in by one of the guards. She didn't look back at the Coven member, but she had decided for sure that they were all going to pay for the way they had treated her.


Jimin sighed as he entered the dance studio once again. He and Namjoon had visited weeks earlier, searching for a few new dancers to add to their line up at The End of the Night. But with Ciel and Mariel gone, they were desperate for new recruits. They had lost their most requested dancer and their most experienced dancer--La Malinche and Sky Blue. Though Ciel had been there for about ten years and hadn't been among the top dancers requested, Namjoon had said to his subordinate, "Its like the saying goes, you don't know what you've got until its gone."

At least it was true about Ciel Azure. Ever since she had escaped with her best friend there had been several requests put in for her. Namjoon had now sent his friend alone and had asked him to pick out a few good ones. Jimin knew well that it had been because his leader knew that he was trying to get over Hyejin--or Jagi, as she liked to call herself now.

It was a zumba and kick boxing studio for men and women, but mostly women were the ones who went there. 

He felt several eyes on him as he entered the studio. The noon class was about to start and some of the women were doing stretches in preparation. Jimin eyed his choices discreetly. He and the other boys of the Coyotes were allowed to scout in that particular studio because it was in their territory and they often made generous donations in exchange for being able to lurk while the women were dancing. 

He lingered for several minutes until he saw someone who caught his eye. A petite young woman with long legs and long dark hair that was pulled up into a bun. She was as pale as the moon, with dark eyes that matched the night. Her curves were slight, but well proportioned, inviting his eyes to feast on her attributes. No other woman could match her beauty--other than his Hyejin. Just a few days prior he had received the divorce papers through his hyung Seokjin and they had been sitting on his nightstand, ignored. He wanted to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible.

The instructor of the class approached him with a friendly smile. "Hello Mr. Park."

"Introduce me to her." Jimin said instantly, without beating around the bush.

He gestured in her direction and the instructor took a casual step towards the girl. Jimin soon followed by her side. "Miss Nguyen," The instructor called and she looked up from her stretches. "This is Park Jimin. He and his associates have been generous donors of this studio for years."

There was a flash of confusion on her face, but it was quickly replaced with a smile. She greeted him with a bow of her head, a foreign accent peeking through her pronunciation. 

"I'm Nguyen Ri Na." 


i have expanded this universe way too much. but i thought since i unfairly took jagi from jimin, he deserves some love. so i'm going to compensate him. but that doesn't totally mean he'll get the girl. you all know i love plot twists and mexican drama moments.

so please stay tuned  for future updates of this story. i'm going to try really hard to post an update for the q&a even though i say that alot.

and im also going to try and post an update for my moon lovers eun fic. 

thank you for the support.


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