s i x t e e n

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$ s i x t e e n $

Yifan followed her down the hall as she walked away, blurting out the very first guesses that came to his head. They weren't well thought out, but he had been so interested in knowing more about her that he would say anything, in hopes that it would be the answer he was looking for. "Your name is Haneul. Haneul saeg." Had been the very first guess, followed by, "Tianlan se. Danlan se." The first had been her name in Korean. The next two had been her name in Chinese, and baby blue in Chinese. Just by mere observation he was able to connect that she was only part-Korean, since she looked like she was biracial--a mix of something else. But he didn't know what.

Sky gave a shake of her head and turned towards him with a victorious grin on her face. "Nope. And that was three guesses, so spill something about yourself." Though already, she had learned something about him. She knew from the fact that the others called him duizhang that he was Chinese, but she was impressed by the fact that he spoke Korean so well, and so fluently.

He seemed to look both ways, as if to check for anyone eavesdropping on them. The secrets he was willing to tell her were things he hadn't told any of the members of the Coven. The only other person who knew the all details of his life was Junmyeon--even Hani only knew his life to a certain extent. But they weren't on speaking terms anymore, and Yifan didn't think his former best friend would be the type to tell other people his secrets. Even after their falling out, Yifan had done the same. Secrets were for one person to tell, and that was the person who they belonged to.

The leader of the Coven took her by the hand and led her out of the house, her heart started beating wildly as she looked at their intertwined fingers. All the while, Sky wondered where he was taking her, but she trusted him. She was not at all afraid of him, even though Mariel thought he was intimidating. Sky could see that he was opening up to her, and rather quickly.

He took her to a marvelous rose garden, the entrance reminding her vaguely of the one in Alice in Wonderland. They walked inside to a stone bench, which had been Baekhyun's bed the previous night, but none of them knew that. 

"When I was about five, I remember my dad got transferred to a branch of his company in Canada." Yifan explained, the memories of it felt more like a dream to him. "We lived there for two years and I went to a primary school there. That's how I learned to speak English. At the time though, I thought it was just a really long vacation. But then we returned to China when I was seven." That had been just about a year before his parents abandoned him at a park in Korea, like he had been just a piece of trash that they could discard. 

"I lived in my other country for a long time too, before I moved to Korea." She informed him, keeping her response vague. She knew that telling him the location of her other country would give him the answer he was looking for in terms of her real name.

"What country was that?" He wondered slyly.

"Nice try." She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

The two of them spent the rest of the day out in the garden with him making wrong guesses, and her reaping the reward and hearing more and more stories about his life. It felt like they had been there a little while, but soon the sun was setting over the horizon and the temperature outside began to drop. That was when they decided to go back into the house. 


Jagi was desperate.

She couldn't stand a moment longer at the Coyotes' home. She was a prisoner, and Kyungsoo was a slave. The two of them were anything less than human in their eyes, and Jagi was sick of it.

She was tired of being held captive in the house, without being allowed out under any circumstances. She was tired of Jimin trying to force her into staying with him, tired of their leader not allowing her to divorce him. She was tired of the way they treated Kyungsoo, like he was an animal, always cooped up in his room and only allowed out when they needed his assassin skills.

Jagi was determined to make one last attempt to convince her brother to help him. That day Namjoon had gone out with Jimin and Yoongi, to meet with their weapons provider, who was arriving all the way from Colombia. After Sky and Mariel had been taken from the night club, Namjoon had made a decision to hire extra security guards, and arm them with more powerful weapons. When he heard that Jongdae from the Coven had survived, he figured it had been his doing, and he had sworn he would get his revenge. But for the time being, they were short two dancers--their most popular one, and one who had been their most popular at one point in her career.

Immediately finishing up their meeting, they would go to a local dance studio in an attempt to scout female dancers for their night club. They planned to lure them in with promises of making loads of money--something that wasn't entirely true. The Coyotes always kept about half of the money that the dancers made each night. The more they made, the more the club took from them. They also took an extra sum of money for their room and board, food, their dance outfits, shoes, hair and make up products. In the end, the dancers only kept about ten percent of what they made each night, which wasn't much.

Jagi found her brother in his office, and she walked up to his desk with some hesitance. He was on the phone with someone, and ended the call when he looked up and saw her. A smile spread across his lips. His sister hadn't willingly talked to him in weeks. 

"Hey Jagi." He greeted her. She was his sister after all, and he loved her.

"Jin," She began with a sigh, and he instantly knew that she wanted something. He should have known it from the very first moment that she sought him out instead of continuing to give him the cold shoulder. "I'm going to ask you one more time for a big favor, and I hope you can do this for me."


a bigger filler chapter than the other fillers i've written in this story so far. but i left it with a tiny bit of suspense. what will jagi ask of her brother exactly? and will he help her? or will he continue to keep her locked up at his house because its "whats best for her"?

also, will yifan ever find out sky's real name?

and what about mitsuki? other than the fact that he was grateful for her help, he seems to have completely forgot about her. but i think that kinda makes sense, seeing as though he never really loved her, and he seems to have been smitten with sky for the moment. will he let hani go now? 

find out in the next updates probably.


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