f i f t y o n e

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$ f i f t y o n e $

Yifan spent hours going over security tapes with the guards at the casino. It was long past midnight and the guests were long gone. The other members had gone up to their rooms to get some much needed rest, encouraged by their duizhang. They had wanted to remain by his side in their loyalty to him, but he assured them that if there was a war to come, he would need their help and for that he would need to be well rested. Junmyeon had waited until Hani was fast asleep before leaving the room and going to find his best friend. He entered the security room and placed a hand on Yifan's shoulder. His friend turned his head slightly, acknowledging his presence. "Found anything yet, Fan?" Junmyeon asked him, long since changed out of his formal clothes for the wedding. 

But Yifan didn't have the time for that. He was still dressed in his white tux and dark hair messy from all the times he had run a hand through it in frustration as he tried to figure out exactly what happened to his wife. 

"No." The leader of the Coven heaved a sigh and gave a small shake of his head. "Whoever did it was smart. They made sure to stay out of camera range and cover their tracks, and they dressed in all black. I couldn't tell who it was."

"Give it a few more hours." The other leader suggested, trying to remain optimistic about their chances at getting Ciel back. "Surely they'll call and ask for a ransom. That's probably what they're looking for." He had been about to continue when one of the guards sitting in front of the security screens turned towards Yifan with some news. He had even tapped him on the shoulder urgently.

"Boss," The security guard called, getting the attention of both leaders. "I think we found something."

Yifan quickly leaned over the desk to look at the screen that the guard was pointing at. Upon Yifan's request, they had spent hours going over footage of that day, observing every single person at that party. Ciel had been the first to be watched in the tapes, but since she had gone with Mariel to a private access bathroom in a darkened hallway, the cameras weren't able to capture her very well. The image being shown on the screen was of Fu Jian. The guard clicked on the keyboard in front of him and the image moved, showing the business man making a phone call. 

Later he was shown again, opening the door to a back exit for the casino. Yifan felt his blood boil as he saw the kidnappers enter the building, assisted by Fu Jian. 

"I'll kill him." Yifan said through gritted teeth.

He immediately turned on his heel and bolted for the door, determined to take matters into his hands. But Junmyeon--who was at the moment the voice of rationality--held him back, grabbing his arm. "Wait Fan. We have to think rationally before we do anything. I don't want you to do something you'd regret." That video had been all the proof he needed to make his decision--Fu Jian needed to die. Junmyeon knew it. Yifan's decision wouldn't change. The Pack's leader wasn't trying to defend the business man, but he knew that if his friend didn't calm down, things might end badly. Every mission needed to be carefully planned out in order to be successful, and Yifan just didn't have the mind for that at the moment.

But Yifan only gave a shake of his head, refusing to listen to him. "Why wait when we know he did it? He deserves what's coming to him."

Tao who was standing at the door and had heard everything, stepped forward to offer his help. "Can I go with you, duizhang?" He asked his leader, with obvious distaste for Jian. But he was a bit hesitant. Though Yifan didn't blame him for it, Tao knew that it had been his fault that Ciel was kidnapped. Because he had tried to protect Iva from her husband. "I want to see him die a slow and painful death."

Yifan allowed it and also added some instructions. "Please go wake the others. We'll need them to back us up."


"The Coven will know we did this and they'll try to get their revenge." Mark said to Jackson as they both stood guard outside the room where Ciel was being kept. She could hear everything happening outside, but could see nothing since she had been blindfolded and tied up to a chair. She had been given food and water, but she would eat none of it. 

Each time she heard one of them in the room she would shoot threats at them, informing them that they would pay for messing with her family. Even if she were to die, she knew the Coven would avenge her. And she wasn't afraid to die either, now that she had known happiness, if even for a little while. But the members of the Hellcats were only doing what they were paid to do. They had nothing to do with the problems between Fu Jian and Yifan. They were sat by the door when their leader approached them, phone to his ear. "What exactly do you want us to do with her?" JB asked Jian over the phone. They had her in their custody for several hours now, and Jian hadn't seemed to give them further instructions. "Should we just kill her and get it over with?"

"No." Jian quickly said. He really didn't have anything in particular in mind. He just knew that he wanted Ciel, and by consequence Yifan, to suffer for the rest of their lives. "Death would be too quick and easy. I want him to see her and suffer every day knowing that this happened to her because he back stabbed me."

JB began to grow impatient with the business man. Jian didn't want Ciel killed off, but Jaebum was already tired of her spewing threats at them. Even when they weren't in the room and she knew they were outside she would call out to them bravely, reminding them that their end was near because of what they did. She had been trying to scare them into letting her go. But it wasn't entirely a lie. She had known Yifan long enough to know that he would be unforgiving. The only mercy he ever had was with him and his brothers. He had a soft spot for his family. "Then what do you want us to do?" JB growled the question. His two subordinates at the door watched him with curiosity. They were going to get good money out of it and as long as they had that, they were willing to do anything. 

Jian was silent over the phone as he thought about it for a moment. He grinned to himself as an idea came to him. "Make sure she never sees him again." He said.

Jaebum instantly understood what he meant and gave a nod of his head. "I'll do it."

With the phone call finished, he stuffed the phone into his cellphone pocket and gestured for Jackson to follow him. The two left Mark alone on guard and went to find what they needed to follow Jian's instructions. 


what is going to happen to poor ciel?

i feel so bad for doing this to her, but its in the name of drama. so i must. anywah, i hope ypou all like the update. thank you loads for reading and supporting this story. also, please go to the previous post if you want to ask my characters any questions ^.^ i just locved writing those posts and they were a lot of fun.

so i hope i get more questions to work with. thank you again, and have a wonderful night!


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