f o r t y s i x

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$ f o r t y s i x $

"When I arrived, they were about to operate on you." He said with a sigh of relief that he had gotten there on time to stop it. The two of them laid in bed together side by side with Miran in his arms and her head rested on his chest. He was once again filled with anger as he remembered seeing her defenseless on the operating table. "I didn't know what they were going to do to you, but I knew it wasn't good."

From that, Miran knew nothing had happened while she was unconscious. He had arrived just in time to save her and the baby. She also knew he was completely in the dark about the abortion they wanted to perform on her. She didn't know whether to tell him about it or not. There was no danger now and there was no reason to anger or worry him. She knew he would react badly to the news anyway. But she also didn't want to keep any secrets from him when he had been completely honest with her about everything, even when he had wanted to go against Soo for the leadership position in the pack.

He instantly sensed there was something on her mind. "What's wrong, baby?" He wondered, pressing his lips softly to her temple.

"Light, you have to promise you won't flip out or anything because this is something very serious and I just know you. You'll be furious." She started with caution, testing the waters. Baekhyun was sweet and funny, but when it came to things related to the pack or whenever he was angry, he could be very serious and even frightening. 

He tensed by her side with her words. He wanted to promise, but at the same time he didn't want to be compelled to a promise he might not be able to keep. He thought on it for a minute before he said to her, "I don't think I can promise that. But please don't keep whatever it is from me."

Miran bit down on her lip before starting with hesitance. "While I was there, my parents went to court and made a case against you for rape." She stopped for a moment, taking in his reaction. He flinched at the word rape. The accusation was completely untrue and her parents knew it. But they just wanted to save face in front of their friends and family. They didn't want anyone to know that their daughter had gotten involved with a gang--involved because of them, no less. "The court gave them permission for the mental hospital to have an abortion done on me."

Baekhyun pulled away from her and sat up in bed quickly, looking back towards her full of outrage. "I'll kill your parents, Miran. I swear I fucking will." He said to her through gritted teeth, seething with rage. His hand reached for his gun and she knew that promise was absolutely serious unless she did something about it.

"Light!" She said urgently, her arms reaching out to him. "Calm down, okay. Nothing happened. Everything is fine now."

"They wanted to kill our baby." He reminded her. He paced back and forth around the room, gun in hand and ready to dart out of the room at first chance. He was almost like a lion cornering its prey. He looked to her, trying to convince her to let him go. He wanted them to die a slow and painful death and in his mind he was already thinking up ways to do the deed. "They locked you up in a mental hospital."

She beckoned for him to go to her, and his anger died down significantly. She laid there in bed with a heart monitor and an IV hooked to her. She looked calm, but her heart monitor gave her away. It was beeping madly now and in a blue hospital gown, he thought she looked so small and defenseless. All he wanted to do was to protect her. Maybe later he would think about paying her parents a little visit. He sighed in defeat and set his gun down on the nightstand, crawling back into bed with her, this time under the covers. 

Miran immediately wrapped her arms around him to keep him there, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck. In a shy little whisper she made an indecent offer to him. "Why don't you just stay here, and unleash that and anger and frustration onto me?" Her hand slowly traveled up his chest, starting to undo the buttons on his shirt slowly.

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