t w e n t y n i n e

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$ t w e n t y n i n e $

Tao was in charge of everything that had to do with Iva. He delivered her food and water, he checked on her every few hours, and he had also been in charge of taking her picture for their charade of a kidnapping. He never spoke in her presence and wore a mask so that she wouldn't recognize him. He didn't want to face her and let her find out that he had been part of it the entire time. For now he would say nothing and figure out a way to tell her calmly. But he knew the result would be always the same. She would never forgive him.

He took her picture and sent it to Yifan, who then sent it to Fu Jian using a disposable phone. 

Whenever he wasn't in the house watching Iva, Tao was off somewhere else. He didn't tell the others where he was going, but Yifan knew his outings had everything to do with Iva Fu. He figured Tao was trying to figure out how to help her. But time was running out. Her husband wanted her dead by the end of the week.

By the end of the third day, Tao had remembered something. That morning before they left the house, he had managed to grab her four favorite books, the ones she was always reading out by the garden. When the Coven showed up to take her hostage, he had managed to grab them and take them with him. Even if he was making her go through such a traumatic experience, he wanted her to have something that she loved with her. He had forgotten her books in the van and when he remembered, he took them to her.

He put his mask back on and carried the books down the basement. After the first day, Tao had convinced Yifan to let him untie her. The leader had allowed it and Tao had untied her wrists and ankles, also removing the sack from over her head. There was nothing for her to see anyway, since there were no windows in the basement and each time any of them entered the room, they wore masks. 

Tao unlocked the door to the basement and opened it to find her sitting on the old mattress. She looked up with widened eyes when she saw someone enter the room. She had been thinking it over for a long time, and she got on her feet, pleading to her kidnapper. "Please let me go. My husband and my family have a lot of money. They'll give you what you want."

Tao remained silent, but he was tempted to let her know that her husband had been the one to put her in that situation. Yet she still seemed to have some faith in him. He wasn't sure if it was love, but definitely faith. Instead he grabbed the books from under his arm and offered them to her without a word. He was unwilling to speak unless it was absolutely necessary, not wanting her to recognize his voice. 

She eyed the books with recognition, her hands slowly going forward to take them from him. "These are...my books." She said to him in Mandarin. "Where did you get them?"

He said nothing.

"Talk!" She demanded, getting exasperated at the fact that it had been three days and he hadn't talked to her once. She didn't want to communicate with her kidnapper. She just wanted to have some human interaction for once. She thought how she couldn't even get that while kidnapped.

But he didn't want to be caught, so he left the room instead.


Hella hadn't seen Chanyeol in weeks, and a small part of her worried that he might actually be dead. He told her he would be going to Japan on a dangerous mission, and she hadn't heard from him since. 

She had been on guard that night, patrolling her territory when she felt someone grab her by the arm. They pulled her into the nearest alley and clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She knew it had to be someone from another gang, since they were able to overpower her with ease and were able to act fast before she could reach for her gun. The leader of the Panthers struggled in their hold but stopped fighting back when she heard a deep male voice whisper with a smirk into her ear. "Guess who, kitten?"

He let go and she immediately turned towards him, coming face to face with Park Chanyeol. 

"Its the motherfucking tree." She said with a roll of her eyes, trying to hide the fact that she was actually relieved he was still alive. She even shot a teasing question at him. "How'd you manage to survive in Japan? I can't imagine you being able to hide since you probably tower over everything."

"I don't hide." He assured her proudly. "Plus, we were only there one day. After that we were in China with our brothers from the Coven."

Hella raised an eyebrow at him with curiosity. "Everyone knows the Wolves and the Coven are long time rivals." She thought he had been lying about spending the last few weeks in China with the other boys.

He gave a simple shrug of his shoulders. "We like each other now."

"Interesting." She commented.

Now that the two were allies, she knew things would definitely change in Korea again. With the support of the Coven, it was very likely that the Wolves would recover all their lost territory. They would once again become the most powerful gang in Korea. That would leave all the other smaller gangs with nothing. That included Hella and her girls. They already didn't have much, but it would be even less with the Wolves back in control.

"Well," She started with a sigh. But the next words that left her lips came out in a hurried mutter. "I guess I'm glad you didn't die."

"What was that?" He pretended not to have heard her, but the grin on his face told her otherwise.

"I said I guess I'm glad you didn't die." She repeated in the same hurried mutter, but she quickly regretted it when he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket. He clicked on the screen and she heard her voice echo off the walls of the alley. "I'm glad you didn't die." She heard repeated over and over. He had been smart enough to only record after she said I guess, making it sound like she had said something else.

He wiggled his phone tauntingly in front of her face, letting the recording play in a loop. "Now I have proof that you care about me, and you can't deny it."

"Delete that!" She demanded, and jumped forward, trying to take the phone from his hand. But he was much taller than her and held the phone high above his head. Keeping her back by placing a hand on her shoulder.

Chanyeol took a step back and tripped, but he continued to hold the phone above his head. Hella had fallen on top of him and still reached for the phone. 

"You have your boobs all up in my face." He told her, not that he was complaining. He sounded more happy about it than anything else.

Hella huffed and pushed herself off him. "I hate you." She said.

"That's not true." He shot back with the grin still present on his face. "I have proof otherwise."


so i looked up the name ciel the other day, just to see what i could find on google. turns out an anime/manga character is named ciel phantomhive, and his appearance reminds me a lot of the appearance i picture sky/ciel having--jet black hair, blue eyes, pale skin. which is strange because i had never seen or heard of this anime/manga before. the difference is that ciel phantomhive is a boy, and ciel azure is a girl.

anyway, this is a fillerish chapter as well. mostly because im trying to find a way to introduce the upcoming drama and i dont know how.

so please stay tuned for that.


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