t w e n t y t h r e e

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$ t w e n t y t h r e e $

"Light," Junmyeon said as everyone cleared out from the livingroom. Miran had kissed her boyfriend and promised she would wait for him upstairs. Baekhyun had been about to follow after her when he was stopped by the Pack's leader. Junmyeon soon began to explain. "Before we can try to take our lands back and rebuild, we have to do something about Soo. He's been away from home too long, and I worry he might think we've forgotten about him."

Baekhyun felt a prick in his chest at the mention of Kyungsoo for many reasons. He had been jealous of his brother and poisoned against him to the point that he had challenged him for the alpha position. Though he had apologized, he still felt bad about it. Then he felt worse when he remembered that he in fact had forgotten that he needed their help and they wanted to try to get him back. The beta nodded his head in understanding, a look of guilt washing over his face. Jongin and the others constantly remembered that Kyungsoo was gone. Baekhyun had sometimes been wrapped up in his own problems to notice. "What do you have in mind, alpha?" He asked the older boy.

Junmyeon pondered for a second and then heaved a sigh. It wasn't the best idea, but it was the most peaceful idea he could think of at the moment. "We could try to negotiate peacefully with them to try to get him back. I don't want to put us in a dangerous position when we have nothing." The last thing he wanted was a gang war when he was just starting to rebuild. He also didn't want to have to drag the Jackals into it, since they were currently living in their lands.

"Maybe duizhang could back us up." Baekhyun suggested. Now that the two packs got along again, he knew Yifan and the other boys would easily support them. 

The leader gave a shake of his head in refusal. "I'm sure he would help us. But he's rebuilding as well. It would be selfish to ask for his backing at a time like this." Placing a hand on Baekhyun's shoulder, he left him with an assignment that night. "But we could ask them for a small favor. Contact Jongdae and see if they still have the Coyotes phone number. Call the Coyotes as soon as you can and make an offer for Soo. Maybe they'll agree to give him to us without it escalating into something more."

"And if they refuse?" The beta wondered.

"Then we'll have no other choice but to take him from them. We can't leave a brother behind, Light." Junmyeon said, and Baekhyun nodded his head in agreement. "Its up to them whether this escalates or not."

He had dismissed Bakehyun and the beta was on his way upstairs when Taeyong turned the corner, entering the living room area. He had steeled himself with bravery to tell the leader what he wanted to say. His brothers--his subordinates in the younger pack--had offered to go with him. But he, as their leader, thought that it was something he needed to do on his own. 

With Baekhyun gone, Junmyeon turned towards the younger pack's leader and offered him a friendly smile. "What brings you to see me, dongsaeng?"

"Alpha," He began nervously, giving a bow of his head. "There's something I need to talk to you about."

The younger boy was surprised at how welcoming and encouraging he was. When Baekhyun had been the alpha, he always gave off an aura of intimidation and Taeyong always tried to avoid having to talk to him. With Kyungsoo it was a more neutral feeling, but with Junmyeon he felt like it was easy to talk to. 

"Sure. Tell me." Junmyeon said.

Taeyong sucked in a deep breath and forced himself to be quick with his request before he could back out. "The boys of my pack and I would like to separate from your pack."


"Jin, I don't want to hurt you. You're my best friend." Namjoon's voice softened when he saw that Jin was serious about fighting him. 

The younger boys and Jimin had hurried to Jagi's side, getting her out of the circle. Jimin sat on the ground with her head in his lap. Kyungsoo watched, still held back by Yoongi, with bitter tears streaming down his face. He wanted to be the one at her side right then. But he couldn't because he was just a slave.

But Jin was having none of his alpha's words. With a shake of his head, he corrected. "Was your best friend. You should have thought of that when you hurt my sister. I should have done something for her from the beginning. I never should have let her suffer so long. When I win, Namjoon." Jin began to explain. "I don't want your seat. I always thought the alpha seat was lonely, and brought selfishness and power hunger. All I want when I win is for you to let my sister be happy. Let her divorce Jimin." Jimin stiffened where he sat and looked to his hyung with hurt. But Jin continued. "I want you to let her leave this place, and let her take Kyungsoo with her. Last, I want you to allow her to visit me, or me visit her, whenever we want. Those will be my demands."

On this occasion, the leader started having second thoughts about the fight. Jin had been his best friend for many years, and he didn't want to hurt him. Jin had also been the most loyal to his organization and to him. 

He didn't want to lose that friendship, but he feared that by hurting Jagi, he already had.

"I won't fight you." Namjoon refused with a firm shake of his head.

"You have to." Jin reminded him. But Namjoon knew their pack's rules well. "Otherwise you forfeit to me and you'll become the pack's omega."

Namjoon gave a shake of his head once again, refusing to budge. "There's nothing to think about. I won't fight you. I will give my permission for her and Jimin to divorce."

"But alpha--" Jimin tried to protest with a whine in his voice. He felt like he was being betrayed. One moment the leader had taken his side and forced Jagi to stay with him. Now he was allowing her to divorce him, and he was allowing her to leave. Jimin thought it was unfair, to say the least.

The leader shot him one look and Jimin immediately went quiet. Namjoon said to him. "There's no point in you forcing her by your side if she doesn't love you. You'll find someone else if she leaves, but no one can replace Jin if he leaves us." Jimin merely lowered his head sadly and accepted what his leader had decided. The leader continued. "Jagi and the slave can leave, and she can visit you whenever she wants. But that does not mean that we're becoming allies with the wolves. It just means she can come and go from our lands as she pleases. They can leave as soon as they want."

Before Jin or anyone else could protest about him backing out of the fight, Namjoon turned and headed inside the house.


so namjoon had no problem hitting jagi, but he feels conflicted having to fight jin? thats messed up. but then again jagi wasn't his best friend of several years. so i guess in a way it makes a bit of sense.

im sorry i didnt update in like three days. i was in san diego sunday and monday to watch the mexico game. it was awesome. 

during that time, sm started releasing trailers for exo's comeback. and honestly, the one that slayed me the most was baek bc he's my ot9 bias. like i watched that trailer about a hundred times and thats not an exaggeration. he looked so good, even with that ridiculous mullet. i was dead on the spot. and his vocals. that background song was lit. its gonna be my fave in the album.

okay, enough fangirling. i hope you all have a wonderful week!


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