s i x t y n i n e

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$ s i x t y n i n e $

The next morning, Yoonah was sulking at breakfast and she shot her sister glares every now and then with her arms crossed over her chest in defiance. Baekhyun had gotten up early and went to do his tasks after taking a shower and saying goodbye to Miran. He wanted to give her privacy to have some time alone with her sisters. She hadn't seen them in a long time and he knew they they didn't want to talk as long as he was in the room. They still hadn't warmed up to him, like Miran wanted and Baekhyun doubted it would happen quickly, if even at all. 

Yoonah didn't like him one bit, as she had decided from the moment the pack broke into the Nam's house and took Miran hostage. Mijin was afraid of him after the way in which he had gone into their home the second time and taken them from their parents. He had ordered breakfast for them after leaving the suite, and it was brought up to them by one of the hotel employees, All they could eat.

Yoonah complained bitterly, knowing well that her sister would hear her, which was exactly what she intended. She wasn't going to keep her displeasure a secret. "I can't believe you and your lover had someone posted outside the door so we wouldn't run away." She refused to touch any of the food, even if her stomach was betraying her and growling loudly. But her pride would not allow her to eat because it had been Baekhyun who had gotten food sent up for them. By now Jaehyun had given Baekhyun a full report of how Yoonah had tried to run away during the night. The member of the younger pack informed proudly how he had been the one to bring her back. Baekhyun had in turn mentioned it to Miran and she had yet to scold her younger sister about it.

Miran was very nonchalant about it and continued eating, bringing some eggs to her mouth and chomping down happily. Everything smelled so good to her and her senses were magnified now that she had a little person growing inside of her. She wanted to enjoy a nice meal with her sisters, after not having seen them in months. But when she noticed the way her sister was bent on having a negative attitude, Miran gave up on the idea of a pleasant breakfast. "Precisely because I'm your sister and I know you well, I knew you would try something. I was the one who asked Light to put some guards at our door." She pointed out.

Their youngest sister was oblivious to it all and ate happily. 

When Yoonah stayed quiet, still fuming in her seat, Mijin looked towards her oldest sister with a cheerful smile. "Unnie, this hotel has a pool." The little girl said with excitement, her big brown eyes sparkling. "I can see it from our window. Can we go down there and play?"

Miran bit down on her lip, unsure.

But she didn't want to deny her sister that. She wanted them to enjoy their new life with her and the pack, and she knew they couldn't stay cooped up in the room forever. But she wasn't sure if they were ready to go out of the suite just yet. Still, she decided to please her sister. Smiling back at her, she gave a nod of her head. "Of course, sweetie. We'll do whatever you want today." Looking to her seventeen year old sister, she offered, "Do you want to go down to the pool with us, Yoonah?"


They waited first while Miran called up a hotel employee and gave her a task. She gave her some money and sent her to the nearest mall to get them swim suits. She didn't trust going out with her sisters on her own, at least not yet. It wasn't ten year old Mijin that she worried about, but her seventeen year old sister Yoonah. She knew that with her distrust in the Pack, and even Miran herself, Yoonah might try to run away at any moment like she did the previous night.

When the employee came back, the girls changed into their swimsuits and wore regular clothes over them until they could get to the pool. Miran texted her boyfriend and let him know that she would be taking her sisters down to the pool and he told her to have fun. He had a few more errands to run, this time with Yixing, before returning to their hotel suite to get some rest for the afternoon.

They took the stairs down to the lobby, with Miran asking both Mark and Jaehyun to accompany them. The two boys did as they were told and followed a few steps behind them. Again, Yoonah held a scowl on her face as she walked.

At the bottom of the stairs, they saw two people standing and talking. It was the Pack's maknae, Oh Sehun, and Darleen who was already growing accustomed to life with the pack. Yifan had even given her a job to do, which was one of the most decent in the casino. She ran the little gift shop in the lobby and that way she was making money for herself, and part of it also went to the rebuilding of the Pack. They still had a long way to go. But she had grown to understand that though some of their choices weren't the best, they wren't bad people.

As the three girls reached the lobby, Yoonah thought of something to catch Sehun's attention. She had found him handsome from the moment she saw him when she arrived at the casino. He was the one person who might even persuade her to stay. She saw him with Darleen and didn't care that it looked like they had something. She wanted his attention for herself and she'd do anything to get it. Pretending to trip over the last step, she let herself fall forward into his arms. The maknae reacted quickly and was able to catch her before she could fall to the floor. All the while, both Miran and Mijin watched with concern while their sister cried out in pain.

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked her, his face serious.

He didn't appear nearly as concerned as her two sisters did. By his side, Darleen had also gasped in concern for the teenager. It had always been in her nature to care for other people.

Yoonah nodded her head innocently, her eyes big as a doe. Her hands were gripping the material of his shirt in one and the other arm went around his neck to secure herself in his hold. "Yes. Thank you. I just lost my balance for a moment." Sehun tried to place her back on her feet slowly, but she winced in false pain and held onto him tighter. "Wait, wait!" She quickly cried out. "I think I might have twisted my ankle."

At that, he once again scooped the seventeen year old up in his arms. But Darleen had seen right through her now, her eyes narrowing into thin slits.

In her hear began growing a feeling of jealousy.


just a quick little update tonight before i go to sleep. i have to go to sleep like now because im waking up at three in the morning tomorrow to go to work. i dont like the getting up super early. but i like the fact that i get out at twelve.

so i hope you all like the chapter and the story. like i had mentioned before, there will be a third part. so stay tuned for that because there are a lot of side stories that need to be developed.

*couggh, cough* silver and yixing. tao and iva. sehun and darleen. chanyeol and hella. plus i want to put jun and hani, minseok and hyuna, mei lin and lu han in the story more. they deserve some more attention. then there's fan and ciel. mariel and jongdae. jiyeon and jongin. jagi and soo who i totally forgot about for a cool minute. 


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