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"No thanks." Hella replied with no hesitation. 

Chanyeol pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against and tried to play off his disappointment with another teasing comment. "Don't try to act like you don't like me."

"I'm not acting." She said to him.

"What if I steal a kiss?" He grinned at her, recovering from his initial disappointment. As he did that, he took a step closer to her, his eyes looking down at her lips. Hella took a step back until she was the one up against the wall, with nowhere else to escape. She wasn't sure if his words were serious or not--about wanting to kiss her--but she still shot him a few words of warning to deter him.

Chanyeol got another step closer, like a predator cornering its prey until she had nowhere else to run. He saw her eyes dart one way and then the other, while he inched even closer, until there was nothing more than a few inches in distance between them. Just when she was sure he would lean in, her small hands moved up to his shoulders to push him back. 

"Don't." She warned him, her heart racing slightly, her breath hitched nervously in her throat. It was the first time he had seen her like that. Like him with his initial shock of her rejection, she was also able to recover quickly. Her words came out as more confident and stern as she spoke. "I'll really kick you down there--where life begins." He thought her way of speaking was cute, in a way. She spoke Korean and was pretty fluent, but the way she worded things made it obvious that she wasn't from there, if her appearance didn't already make it obvious.

He stopped, protecting himself with his hand. When she thought he was going to go for it, he took a step back instead. "I won't risk it. I wouldn't want you to hurt little Chan."

Hella rolled her eyes at him, but turned away for an instant, wondering what time it was. She now had nothing to do for the rest of the night, since she had been following Silver and had been caught because of Chanyeol. When she turned back towards him, she was caught off guard when he quickly leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips. Her eyes widened in surprise and he pulled away too quickly for her to respond until after he had stolen the kiss.

As if by instinct, she balled one of her hands into a fist and swung at him, hitting him in the gut and knocking the air out of him. He doubled over, clutching his stomach, but there was a grin on his face because he had won and had gotten what he wanted.

"I told you I would hit you. You brought this upon yourself." She said with a shrug of her shoulders before he even said anything.

But he didn't complain. Instead he informed her, "Worth it, kitten."

He was on the ground on the sidewalk, still not recovered from the punch he received. Hella lifted her leg and stepped over him, with the intention of walking away. She had reached the street corner when she looked over her shoulder. He was still doubled over on the floor and she told him, "Don't die in Japan, dog. I don't want someone to do the job I've been aching to do myself."


With all their members wanting to accompany Junmyeon and Jongdae to Japan, the leader of the Wolves appointed Taeyong as the leader in his place. The members of the younger pack wanted to go with their hyungs as well. But Jongdae said it had been something carefully planned out by him and Mitsuki. He feared that if too many people went with them, something could go wrong. 

Baekhyun had asked Miran to stay behind and wait for Jongin and Jiyeon. They would be coming home the next afternoon from their honeymoon, and the Pack didn't want them to worry, not seeing them upon their arrival. Sehun also wanted her to stay, so that she could keep Darleen company. Jongdae had also convinced Mariel to stay behind, even though she assured him she had the ability to crack a man's skull open with the high heel of a shoe. Jongdae didn't want to put her in any danger, and reminded her that Sky would probably feel uncomfortable staying alone in a house full of people she didn't know.

The members of the Pack left the Jackals' house bright and early. Mitsuki had arranged for a car to pick them up and take them to the airport. From there they would take a private jet to Japan, and though the Pack was weary of her since she was the enemy and it was her pack who had taken the Coven hostage, they trusted her because Jongdae trusted her.

With the Jackals out doing their daily tasks and most of the younger Pack out patrolling, the house was oddly silent. Miran would be leaving for work at the cafe later that day, but she had made an attempt at spending time with the other girls in the house and invited them for breakfast. She was no longer an alpha, but she was a beta, and she wanted to take the initiative to make them feel at home. She remembered when she had first been brought into the family, Hani made her feel better. She wanted to do the same for others.

Breakfast was rather quiet between the four women, with them mostly keeping to themselves while Miran tried to make friendly conversation. Afterwards all of them went their separate ways, except Miran followed Darleen. She was the only one of the three who was likely to stay in the Pack and she wanted to make her feel at home. 

"Can I talk to you?" Miran asked, and Darleen nodded. She led Miran into the room and both sat down on the bed. Darleen said nothing, waiting for Miran to speak instead. Miran was quick and didn't beat around the bush. "I just wanted you to know that even though the men in this family are involved in a life of crime, it doesn't mean they're bad people. I don't know what's going on between you and Sehun, and its none of my business. But I think that if you like him, you should give him a chance."

Darleen heaved a sigh. "I don't want to judge your family. That's up to God to do."

"Then what's the problem?" Miran wondered, challenging her. 

Darleen replied, "All of this is new to me, and I'm afraid that if I fall in love with him even more, then I'll be hurt in the end." 

She knew how his life worked now. He was part of a gang, which meant that they would constantly have to live their lives carefully. They would have enemies and there was a chance that she could lose him prematurely one day.


im really pissed because i have ANOTHER FUCKING STYE. jeezus, its the third one this month since i started working at mcdonalds. bc i work the cash register all day and sometimes my eye itches at work and i scratch. 

anyway, this one is sort of fillerish as well. i hope you all like it. 

also, i have a big question for you all. or a poll. who would you like to see sky end up with? i have three possible candidates with three possible scenarios. but i would like to see what you all think as well. so please let me know in the comment section ^.^

thank you.


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