f o r t y f i v e

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$ f o r t y f i v e $

Baekhyun and Junmyeon had called in their brothers in China for backup, since Jinki had refused to help them for Minha's sake. Baekhyun now had a grude against the Jackals, and though Junmyeon was saddened by the fact that they wouldn't help him, he understood them in a way. Minha was part of their family, a sister of theirs. If they were to take Miran's side, it was like they were pushing her aside, and Junmyeon had learned almost the hard way that packs were all about family. 

Yifan was quick to respond and agreed to help them, even though he and his pack were in the process of rebuilding as well and most of them had sustained injuries from their time in captivity. The most affected had been Jongdae who had taken four bullets to the chest and had miraculously lived to tell the tale. He still had difficulty breathing and found it hard to stand up right for long periods of time. His girlfriend Mariel had taken it upon herself to coddle him and spoil him because of his injuries, something he didn't mind at all.

Even so, the six of them chartered a private jet and left for Korea almost as soon as they got the call. Through Yifan's contacts they were able to get weapons quickly and they were prepared to break into the mental hospital to save Nam Miran.

It was early in the morning, the break of dawn, when the twelve arrived at the hospital. 

They had been buzzed in through the main gates by fooling the front guards and pretending they were there to deliver a patient. Once the gates were opened, Tao and Sehun had been left at the front to get the two guards out of the way and to keep watch for any police vehicles that might have noticed the upcoming commotion in the hospital. 

They left their van by the front entrance where the remaining ten stormed out onto the property and Chanyeol was able to get the security locked doors open with his lock picking abilities. Inside was already a receptionist, the very same one that had spoken with Baekhyun just the afternoon prior. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the ten men clad in black, holding heavy weapons and covered in bulletproof vests. Her hand went under the desk to hit the alarm and four guards darted out from behind a door that led to the security camera room.

Five stayed behind then--Jongin, Lu Han, Junmyeon, Yifan, and Jongdae--to subdue the four guards and the receptionist. The remaining five made their way through another security locked door which Chanyeol opened, and that was where the patient rooms were located.

"Miran!" Baekyhun called out desperately, at the top of his lungs, kicking doors open one by one to check for her. "I'm here for you baby."

He checked all the patient rooms and none of them belonged to her. Until they reached the last room in the back of the small mental hospital. A sign above the door read "operating room". And there was a window on the door to allow them to peek inside. There, he saw his Miran strapped to an operating table unconscious while a doctor stood over her.

Without a second thought he kicked the door down and aimed his gun at the doctor in the room. "Don't you fucking touch her. Step the fuck back if you value your life." He warned through gritted teeth. With his gun, he gestured where he wanted the doctor to stand, and he obeyed with his hands up. Miran tilted her head in his direction, eyes glazed over from the anesthetic she had been given to keep her calm through the procedure. She said nothing to him, and there was no recognition in her eyes, and suddenly they closed completely.

He walked over to her side and handed his gun off to Minseok who was standing nearby.

But when he realized he didn't know how to unhook all of the machines off her, he beckoned for a nurse to come close with a threat in his voice. He had grabbed her by the arm and shoved her in the direction of the operating table. He was fuming to say the least, and that had been considering that he had no idea what procedure they were about to perform on her before he arrived to her rescue. "Get this stuff off her right now." He barked an order.

The nurse nodded her head in sheer terror and did as she was told. Once Miran was freed from the straps holding her down and the IV needle piercing her skin, Baekhyun picked her up in his arms, cradling her limp body close to him. 

"Lets get out of here before they call the police." Chanyeol said to the beta.

Baekhyun nodded his head in agreement, soon following with, "Burn this fucking place down."

He walked out with Miran safely in his arms, and the other boys walking out behind him as the building was consumed by flames.


"You really don't have to go, Suho." Minho said to his friend with a frown hinting on his lips. He was truly sad to see him go, since he never wanted things to go that way. All he wanted was his sister's happiness. Now he was getting neither that, and the person he considered one of his best friends was leaving.

Baekhyun had left the very same night that they had the argument and he called up Yifan for help. The leader of the Coven informed them that they could stay at the hotel in his casino as long as they needed to. Baekhyun didn't need to be told twice. He gathered his things, Miran's things, and moved them out to the hotel.

The others promised they would follow just as soon as they could pack their things.

Now they had all moved out except Junmyeon and Hani. They had lingered a bit longer because she knew that her husband wanted to talk to Minho alone.

Junmyeon heaved a sigh. "As much as I love you boys, you turned your back on us, and I understand why you did it. But its time for us to go. You know what they say: the dead and the freeloaders stink after three days." A small smile played on his lips as he remembered that Minho had been the one to tell him that saying. He had learned it on a family trip to Mexico when he was a child, and it was one thing that really stuck with him. It was a saying which meant that guests were only meant to stick around for a few days. Any longer and eventually there would be bad blood between the guests and the owners of the house. That was what was currently happening with the Jackals and the Wolves. "I think its best for us to go before things get more out of hand."

"You know my problem isn't with you." Minho assured him.

The leader of the pack gave a nod of his head. "I know. But Baekhyun is my family, just like Minha is yours. I have to look out for my little brother's happiness."

"if he would just try, he could love Minha again--"

Junmyeon raised a hand to stop him. "That't not how feelings work."

"But she still loves him." Minho said after agreeing with a sigh that feelings had a funny way of working out, or sometimes not working out. "As long as she still loves him, I'll try to help her because her happiness has always been my priority ever since our parents passed away."

"You can't keep her in a bubble forever." Junmyeon gave his friend a final word of advice. "She's going to have to suffer eventually. Its a natural part of life."

As long as he could prevent it though, Minho would protect his sister from all harm.


i said i was gonna post it tomorrow, but i lied. i was too excited so i wrote this right now, in thirty minutes before taking off for the gym. thank you all loads for reading and sorry for any grammar mistakes. 

im typing like a hundred words per minute to get this done.

have a wonderful night!


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