s e v e n t e e n

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$ s e v e n t e e n $

"Its time for you to come home now, Mitsuki." Her brother told her over the phone. In his tone were hints of worry, and also tiredness. He had informed her of the situation they they were going through in their Pack. Shin wasn't leading anymore, and refused to see anyone. The others were looking to Takuya now as their leader, in Shin's absence. It hurt Mitsuki to hear that her husband was hurting so much because she knew it was because of her. "Shin can't seem to function properly without you. He won't snap out of it. All he does is sit in his room, looking at pictures of the two of you together. He's a mess. He misses you--I miss you--and I know you miss us too."

Mitsuki heaved a sigh, but she refused to give into his request. "I can't go back there, Taku. I didn't leave the house--he was was one who kicked me out. He doesn't want me there." 

"All of this happened because of Wu Yifan--" Takuya started with bitterness.

But his sister cut him off, quickly coming to Yifan's defense. "All of this happened because you can't let go of the past. You just had to get revenge."

"He humiliated you, Su." Takuya reminded her, words full of venom as he remembered that painful day for his sister. That very day he had vowed that he would let no one else hurt her feelings like that. "He left you at the altar when all he needed to do was to say he wouldn't marry you. Instead he ran like a coward. He needed to pay, and I don't regret what we did to them."

His words were enough to open the wound that had taken such a long time to heal. It was like he had just ripped it open and poured salt all over it. It stung. But she still argued with him. "Its my life, Taku. If I was able to get over it, you should too. Stop being so vengeful, and go back to being that happy person I used to know." Her tone softened as she pleaded in her last sentence.

There was a deep sigh from the other line. But instead of continuing, he changed the subject to something else. "I'll try to talk to Shin, but I'm probably the last person he wants to see because I'm your brother. I'll try to convince him to ask you to come home."

Mitsuki gave it a moment of thought. She was never unhappy with Shin. He loved her unconditionally and practically worshiped the ground she walked on. Yifan didn't love her and seemed like he wouldn't be changing his opinion any time soon. Perhaps she would continue taking her own advice and push her feelings for him aside. Shin was a good man, and she cared about him. Perhaps if she put a little more effort into their relationship, much more than she already did before, then she could learn to love him.

It was worth a try.


"I can't help you divorce Jimin." He said to her, for about the millionth time. "We went over this already. Only alpha can approve, and he will never side with you. You're my sister, and I love you, and I would really like to help you. But there's nothing I can do."

"Yes there is." She gave a nod of her head. He eyed her with curiosity, unsure of what she was thinking. His eyes widened in shock when she told him, "You could fight him. Become the alpha and then you can help me be happy. Soo wanted to challenge him, but he's not allowed because he has no rank here. He's only a slave. But you could, if you wanted to."

Jin quickly shook his head. "I can't fight as well as Namjoon."

He had also never thought about being an alpha. it was never something he wanted, never something that had crossed his mind. Namjoon was one of his best and closest friends. He felt that challenging him for the alpha position would be like stabbing him in the back. 

"Soo can teach you." Jagi insisted. "They say he's the best fighter in Korea."

Jin thought about it. He could see how desperate Jagi was for his help. He wasn't sure how much more his sister would be able to handle. With a sigh, he finally made his decision. "I'll do it for you, Hyejin. But there's no guarantee that I'll win, even if your Soo helps me train."

A wide smile spread across Jagi's lips that was for once in a long time directed towards her older brother. The thanked him with a quick hug, and ran off to tell Kyungsoo the good news. 

Soon they would both be free


It had been Yifan's second day attempting to find out Sky's real name. By now she knew more about him than he did about her. He had told her the story of how his parents abandoned him, and how Junmyeon had taken him in. He told her how they both started the Wolves organization on their own and rose to the top as one of the best and most respected gangs in Korea at only twenty years old. He told her about Hani, and how they had a falling out because they both wanted her love.

She knew so many things about him in one day. He had so many failed attempts that at one point he had run out of things to tell her. 

Sky only let out a light little laugh, and said to him. "Do you give up, duizhang?"

She had fallen into the habit of calling him duizhang over calling him by his real name. For one, it had been because she didn't know what his real name was at first. All Jongdae and Mariel ever called him was duizhang. When she got all the details of his life, he insisted that she call him Yifan or Kris, but she preferred calling him duizhang. She thought it sounded nice, and as the leader of the Coven, she liked a man in power.

Yifan gave a shake of his head. "Never."

"Maybe I should give you a hint, since you seem to be really stuck." She tapped her chin with her index finger as she thought about it. Yifan nodded his head eagerly. Sky continued, "I will tell you a famous poem of my country. Its from a very famous author who wrote other stories, which are more well known than this poem." She thought for a fraction of a second until one came to mind. It was a poem that she knew as a song, a canon from her childhood. "Be like the bird that pausing in her flight a while on boughs too slight feels them give way beneath her, and sings, and sings, and sings knowing she hath wings."

The leader of the Coven reached into his pocket for his cellphone. He unlocked it and opened an internet tab, typing in what he remembered from the poem. 

Be like the bird.

She rolled her eyes at him playfully, saying to him in a teasing way. "That's cheating, duizhang."

"Victor Hugo!" He read off the first answer he found on the internet. "You're part French."

She said nothing when he continued typing into his cellphone. Now he had gone on a translate page to find out her real name. English to French, he had clicked. And then he entered the name Sky Blue.

But she beat him to it. "My name is Ciel Azure."


so now sky has a real name. sky blue, or ciel azure in french. its ciel bleu in reality, but i changed it to azure because it sounds prettier. cielo azul in spanish sounds nice too. i also included one of my fave poems "be like the bird" by victor hugo.

yifan is starting to get a little too emotionally invested in sky, just like he did when hani when she was nice to him because she liked him as a friend. will these two suffer the same fate? will he treat her like he treats hani? these are questions only i have the answer to right now.

but stay tuned to find out.


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