s i x t y f i v e

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$ s i x t y f i v e $

"Hyung, can I talk to you about something important?" Chanyeol said from the doorway to Yixing's office at the casino. Since leaving the Jackals and joining forces with the Coven again, the Pack had been working full time at the casino. They had assignments to fulfill at the building, and others to get done on the side, which had to do with their main business. The casino was mostly the Coven's cover operation to keep the police from suspecting their other activities. Yifan had promised the other boys that they could work for him and all the money they made would only be for them, to help the Pack rebuild. Junmyeon was grateful, since it would slow down Yifan's own rebuilding process.

Chanyeol had been given delivery duties, just like he did with the Pack. He handled the deliveries of security vehicles that transferred Yifan's money to a high security warehouse that was owned and controlled by the Coven. He was also in charge of the food and supply deliveries for the casino's restaurant and the hotel. The last thing he handled about their deliveries was the entry of product and weapons for their gang, which he handled alongside Minseok. 

In the back of the casino, there was a long dark hallway, then entrance kept by guards. There were several doors there, one where the security television monitors were kept, offices for the other boys who worked at the casino, and duizhang's office at the end of the hallway. Chanyeol couldn't help but get the chills as he entered the hallway because it brought back memories of a time when the Pack and the Coven were rivals.

It was the same hallway where he had been forced to wait outside with Kyungsoo when they entered the casino with Junmyeon for the first time. He had actually entered on his second visit, when Junmyeon and Yifan played the poker game for their lives, with Hani being the big prize.

Now it was a place where he was welcome, but he still didn't feel quite as comfortable there.

Yixing looked up from what he was doing and offered him a warm smile. "Of course, dongseng. Come in and tell hyung what troubles you." Chanyeol smiled, but it was a half-hearted smile. Yixing was one of the most kind hearted members in the Coven, and he felt bad having to tell him the information he knew. But he also cared about him. They were brothers and he thought his hyung needed to know.

Chanyeol walked into the office and sat down across from Yixing, at the desk. 

He wasn't sure how to start, so there was a long silence between them before he started. When he finally did, it was slow and hesitant. "Its about your friend Eunsoo." He said, calling her his friend for a lack of a better word. There was nothing between them yet. But he knew that they liked each other.

Yixing's posture and demeanor suddenly changed. He straightened up in his chair and cleared his throat, eyes watching the closed door with a hint of excitement. "What about her? Is she here?" His hand reached up to adjust his tie, loosening it just ever so slightly.

Chanyeol gave a shake of his head. "No...I just...thought you needed to know that she's playing you." He paused only for an instant when he saw the confusion on Yixing's face. "I think she's only getting close to you to get information on our organizations. That girl...is a cop."


Baekhyun drove back to the casino with the two girls in the back seat. Their hands and feet had been tied, to prevent them from trying to escape. Yoonah was calm, silent tears running down her face, while the other one was sobbing and begging to go back to her parents. But Baekhyun understood her. She was only ten years old and didn't know that in a few years, her parents would have easily sold her off too. It was better for her to go to someone who actually loved her and would care for her. Like Miran and her sister Yoonah.

He parked in the basement, skipping the valet parking at the front. He didn't want people to see him entering the building with two young girls--bound and gagged.

As soon as they arrived, Baekhyun untied their feet and helped them out of the car. Gripping Yoonah's arm tightly, he gestured to the gun tucked away in the waist band of his jeans. "I know you're a smart girl. So think about this and don't try to fucking run because I will not shoot you. I'll shoot your sister." He warned her through gritted teeth in a whisper that only she could hear.

In reality, he would never hurt the ten tear old, or even Yoonah for that matter. They were Miran's sisters and she loved them. He would never do anything to take them away from her. He just wanted Yoonah to think that he would, so she wouldn't try to escape. There was a burning resentment in her eyes as she nodded, with that assuring him that she would be good and complacent for him.

"Don't you touch my sister." Yoonah steeled herself and gave him a warning of her own.

"That's up to you." Baekhyun shrugged in a nonchalant manner.

He led them down to the back of the car park building to an elevator that went up into the casino. He didn't worry too much about being seen now, since it was day time and they didn't have many customers, only people who worked there and would never dare rat them out. Most people who worked there either really needed the money, were former criminals or gang members put to work, or just feared for their lives if they spoke of what they knew. The Pack and the Coven were powerful and no one wanted to cross them.

They went up to the upper floors, where the hotel was located and Baekhyun led them down the hall that led to his room. Yoonah gulped nervously, feeling something in the pit of her stomach. 

When they reached the door he was searching for, he knocked slowly. It took a moment, but he heard Miran's voice calling to him as she pulled the door open. "Where have you been, Light? Alpha said you didn't have a lot to do today and I was hoping we'd have lunch together--"

Her voice was cut off as she saw him standing out in the hall.

But he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by two girls--her sisters

Miran's eyes instantly pooled up with tears that fell down her cheeks. Her two sisters started crying as well, tears of joy to be seeing her again. "Unnie!" They cried out in unison and jumped into her arms.

Baekhyun was proud of himself because he was able to bring his beloved Miran another speck of hapiness.


i haven't updated this story in so long. apparently the last time i posted was november fourth. so that was over TWO MONTHS AGO. honestly, the reason was that i started focusing a lot on my bts series because i just wanted to plow through it and get it over with because its been over a year since i started it and it was supposed to be short series.

my exo series will turn two this year, but that makes sense that its still unfinished because its a series with long chapters. still, i will try harder to update that series, as well as this one.

since i last update this, i created a shinee series in honor of our jonghyun. and an nct series. so please check those out if you have the time.

thank you!


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