s i x t y e i g h t

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$ s i x t y e i g h t $

All through the night, Yoonah was unable to get some sleep. Her eyes refused to close and she wasn't at all tired by the events of the day. Despite suffering a trauma, such as being ripped away from her parents, Miran was able to coax their youngest sister Mijin to sleep. But her attempts were failed when it came to the middle sister Yoonah. Miran had another bed brought into the room for the two girls to sleep in and it made the suite a bit cramped. But she didn't trust her sisters alone for the moment.

Yoonah peered towards the other bed to confirm that her sister and him were asleep. Her eyes narrowed into a glare at the sight of them together--not for her sister, but because of him. They slept close, with him spooning her back and his arms comfortably wrapped around Miran. The way he held her, Yoonah noticed, as almost like he was afraid that she might be snatched away from him. He didn't appear nearly as threatening as he did when he was awake. But Yoonah knew him, and she knew his kind. She knew he couldn't be trusted and would only end up hurting Miran. She already hated Byun Baekhyun. 

With her youngest sister sleeping soundly beside her, she pulled the covers aside and climed out of bed quietly, her footsteps lightly tapping the hardwood floor beneath her as she walked. She practically tiptoed to the door and touched the door knob, hesitating for a minute. 

Yoonah felt her heart drop into her stomach when she heard someone stir. Thinking herself caught, she turned around slowly, her brain racing with quick lies that came to her, only to see Miran still asleep. But she was trying to change into a more comfortable position. When she did, the boy next to her tightened his arms around her just slightly, refusing to let her move. His words then came out in a pouty and sleepy whine. "Baby please don't go." He pleaded, and Yoonah heaved a sigh of relief. Though she soon rolled her eyes as well. She didn't believe his love for Miran one bit.

Miran relaxed in his arms and both continued to sleep soundly. Yoonah was still as a statue and waited until she felt that the coast was clear. Then she turned back towards the door and opened it slowly. She planned to wander around the halls of the casino, hoping to find a good escape route. 

Pushing the door open further, she was instantly dismayed.


Two hours prior, the two boys had been brought chairs to sit on while they watched the door. Further down the hallway, was a couch with a coffee table, which had given Jaehyun an idea. "How about this, maknae?" He started with a tempting suggestion for the two of them. "We'll do guard shifts of four hours each. Hyung said its a seventeen year old and a ten year old anyway, so I think they'll be pretty harmless. We can handle them without both being present."

Mark nodded, listening attentively.

"You can sleep for four hours on the couch down the hall, or do whatever you want. Get some food, use the toilet..." He continued. "After four hours you can take over in my place and I'll go get some rest. Sound fair?" 

Mark nodded once more, agreeing with him. He also hadn't found it too appealing to spend the next eight hours sitting in front of a door, waiting for two girls to attempt an escape so that they could catch them and return them to the suite. It would be a waiting game of several hours, or even days. Baekhyun thought the girls would try to make a brake for it. But Mark and Jaehyun weren't too sure. The casino was a place infested by gang members and criminals. If they were smart, they would behave and do as they were told.

With the two having made an agreement, Mark took off for his four hours of rest. Since the casino was open all night, as well as the restaurant and other attractions, he was going for some food. Then he would return to get some sleep.

That was how Jaehyun found himself alone in the hallway. A few people came and went, people of money who had pissed away several thousand dollars at the casino that night. Most were too drunk on expensive wine to even notice him sitting there, guarding the door to one of the suites on the upper floors. Yifan had offered his Pack brothers world class suites to stay in, but they refused, taking only the basic rooms in the hotel. Junmyeon's reasoning was that taking up the more expensive suites would being in less revenue to the casino through those means. They were trying to rebuild and he didn't want to be a burden on the Coven.

Jaehyun had been sitting there for about two hours, his eyes growing tired and his eyelids feeling heavy. He was so close to falling asleep when he heard the door knob turn, and slowly the door opened just a crack. He sat up straight in his chair, thinking that it was probably Baekhyun trying to check on them and make sure they weren't asleep or goofing off. The Pack members were very meticulous that way. They always wanted everything to be perfect and to go as planned. Most of the time it seemed to work out for them.

They were lucky ones.

There was a pause before the door opened all the way and he was met with a seventeen year old girl standing at the door. The expression on her face dropped dramatically when she saw him sitting out in the hall. He didn't waste a moment as he got back on his feet, towering over her almost menacingly because he was so much taller than her. She was really pretty, he thought to himself, but there was so much sadness and resentment in her eyes. That was the life of a lot of women in their world. Their Pack in particular gave them a choice. But he knew that other packs weren't the same. They had the money and the weapons, so when one of them liked a girl, they could just as easily take her from her family by force. 

It had happened to Miran, until it turned out that she was in better care with Baekhyun than with her parents. Still, there was a time when she resented him and the others for taking her away from her home. Yoonah had that same look on her face.

Jaehyun tried to come off as intimidating, but it didn't work as he spoke and his voice cracked. "What--" He paused awkwardly to clear his throat, then he started again. "What are you doing out of your room? Get back in there, or I'll have to force you myself."

Yoonah gulped nervously. But she quickly masked her fear and nervousness with a roll of her eyes. "My sisters lover has one of his dogs watching us now?" She asked.

"He doesn't want you doing something stupid and worrying Miran noona. So please get back in that room right now. I don't want to have to force you." Jaehyun explained, not letting his own nervousness show. He was scared that she would make a run for it and manage to escape. Then what would he tell his hyung? Maybe he shouldn't have told Mark they would take turns guarding the door alone. He could really use a partner to help him intimidate the seventeen year old.

Then--he realized--he was a bit ashamed. He--a twenty year old--was thoroughly intimidated by a rebellious seventeen year old.

"Make me." She challenged. but she never thought he would take her words seriously.

That was all it took. With a sigh, he walked forward and picked her up like she weighed nothing. He threw her over his shoulder and opened the door as she squealed in surprise. But she was able to cover her mouth, to prevent her sister and Baekhyun from waking up to the sight before them.

"Put me down!" She hissed. 

But he only put her down until he reached her bed, throwing her onto it a bit too harshly, not that he really intended to.

"Don't try anything funny again." He warned her, eyes dark and menacing. 

Without another word, he turned and left the room.


so another little update for tonight. i have the next two days off from work, so im pretty excited about that. i'll have a lot of time to update. but when i got back to work on thursday, i'm going to work for five days straight, which is not fun.

thank you all so much for reading. i hope you're enjoying the story. this little side story that is forming here will also be a part of "another world" so stay tuned for that.

i hope you're all having a wonderful night!


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