t h i r t y s e v e n

608 49 31

$ t h i r t y s e v e n $

Kyungsoo had offered to go with Baekhyun, urged by Jagi. Both of them knew that if he went by himself, he would likely stop at nothing to bring Miran back home. Neither of them were sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. Before the Pack's assassin could follow his hyung out of the house, Baekhyun was already in his car and out the front gates. Kyungsoo would have followed, if not for the fact that he didn't know where Baekhyun was going. 

Baekhyun himself didn't know exactly where he was headed when he drove onto the residential streets of Seoul. All he knew for sure was that the place he was looking for was located in the territory that had once belonged to the Wolves before they were attacked by the Hellcats. He couldn't recall the address as he passed several streets slowly. He had been just about to give up when he started seeing familiar buildings. They had been to Miran's house about two times--once when they went to collect their money, and her father gave her away, and once when Baekhyun had taken Miran to visit them. 

He searched in the back of his mind for the memory, trying to force himself to recall the street name. His memory was finally triggered when he saw one street sign. Jungnim-ro. It was like a lightbulb had gone off in his head and he turned onto that residential street, which was where upper class people with money lived. Miran came from a family with money, but they had been struggling and her father had sought help with the Wolves.

The pack's beta stopped in front of the house he was certain belonged to her and shut the engine of his car off. He sat in his car for a few minutes, debating on whether or not to go in there, while another part of him was waiting attentively in case she might come out. He would hurry to her and beg her to come back.

Minutes went by until he stepped out of the car, his hand reaching for his gun and pulling it out as he purposefully walked towards the front door. He knocked on the door with the handle of his gun, making the sound louder and more menacing. "I'm here to see Miran!" He called out in a booming voice. It was the only place he could think that she would go to since it was her parents' house. Even after they had abandoned her and allowed her to be taken away by the Pack, she still loved them and sometimes sent them money secretly--she thought she was doing it secretly, but Baekhyun knew all about it. 

It was then that he realized that he knew some things about Miran really well--he knew her favorite things, what made her happy, and other intimate details--but he didn't know a lot about her past. He didn't know her family--and didn't care to know them. He didn't know her friends from before she joined the pack. He didn't even know if she had a boyfriend when she had been given away by her family. So many things had happened in such a little amount of time that he didn't have time to ask her about those things. And he didn't have the time to tell her much about his past either. 

All she really knew about him was that he had joined the pack at around eighteen, and had gotten married at twenty one to Minha. They had been married for a few months when she had been killed

When there was no answer, he tried again. This time his words took on a more threatening tone. "Open this door before I bust it open! I know she's here, and she's my girlfriend. I have the right to see her." He warned, hitting the door with more urgent knocks.

"Go away!" Finally came a nervous voice from the other side of the door. It wasn't Miran's voice, but it was a woman. The last time the Pack had been at her house, holding the family hostage in order to get their money from them, Baekhyun had seen four females--Miran, two younger sisters, and her mother. Judging by the voice, he gathered it was her mother who was standing there by the door. "She doesn't want to talk to you. Leave right now before I call the police and have you arrested for kidnapping my daughter."

Baekhyun laughed bitterly, outraged that she could have the audacity to say something like that to him. "If I remember correctly, I never kidnapped her. You gave her to me. You're the ones who treated her like trash. My family and I gave her a home and she wanted to stay with us."

"Leave!" Was the only thing Miran's mother said in return.

Starting to get frustrated, Baekhyun was so close to shooting the door down and searching for Miran in that house. But he knew she wouldn't like that. She had always looked down on his behavior whenever he showed any signs of dark emotions. He already didn't like Miran's parents for throwing her away, and her mother wasn't making things any easier. Baekhyun sucked in a deep breath and leaned with his arm on the door, and his forehead on his arm. His gun was still in hand, gripped tightly, and it was taking everything in his power not to pull that trigger.

He couldn't control himself when it came to Miran, and he couldn't stand another moment away from her.

"Please." He said desperately, after a moment of deep breaths. "I just want her to know that I'm trying to fix things and that I love her so much. I can't live without her. If you would just open the door, I can tell her that myself. Tell her--"

He was cut off by Miran's mother before he could even finish. She had heard his sincerity and her voice softened in the slightest, almost not at all. She didn't approve of Miran seeing Baekhyun because he was a criminal and because of what the Pack had done to her family--she blamed them for the debt that her husband owed them. But she could easily tell that he adored her. "She doesn't want to see you. Please go away."

"Fucking open the door!" Baekhyun shouted, losing his patience.

When Miran's mother refused once again, he took a step back and cocked his gun, aiming around the door knob. He--like the other members of the Pack and the Coven--knew how to pick locks. But he had been so frustrated that he wanted to get the door open the quickest way. He shot at the door several times, his aim perfectly hitting right where he wanted. Inside the house he heard terrified screaming, but he ignored it. Soon, the wooden front door was completely destroyed and the doorknob fell off.

Now he was able to push the door open and found Miran's mother hiding behind the door. He ignored her and stepped into the living room of the house. "Miran!" He called desperately, lifting up his shirt so that he could tuck the gun into the waist band of his jeans. "I just want to talk, baby."

But she was just as stubborn as he was.

He didn't hear an answer and instead heard Miran's mother saying into the phone. "Police, a man just broke into my house and he wants to take my daughter. You have to come quick." 

Baekhyun wanted to stay longer and coax Miran into seeing him, but he cursed under his breath upon seeing that his plans were ruined. Since it was an upper class neighborhood where people with money lived, he knew the police would be there quickly. The beta saw his opportunity gone and quickly turned on his heel, running out the door and getting into his car. He had sped off and saw when he was far off in the distance as a squad car arrived at Miran's house.

But he wasn't going to give up that easily. He was determined to talk to Miran one way or another.


quick qotd: would you guys ship tinha (takuya + minha) or jinha (jimin + minha)? im asking for a friend...

so today this guy stole something from my mcd's. 

i was at register and my friend was presenting orders (handing them to customers) when he walks up to her and asks her for a large cup. she said no bc u have to pay for cups bc then ppl ask for them and grab free soda.

so he goes over to me and asks for a large cup. i asked if he bought one. he says no. he just needed it for his ramen. so my friend and i said he couldnt have one. so he started cursing us out and then he reached over the counter and stole a cup and took off. i was so scared bc i thought he was gonna try to take a swing at us. and my friend literally tried to fight him.

i was shaken. still am tbh. i know its just a cup, but still.


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