f i f t y t w o

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$ f i f t y t w o $

They were into the early hours of dawn by the time the others had woken up and were on their way to Fu Jian's house. The guards who had been posted outside of his house after Iva was killed were no longer there. Since he had paid the Coven to get her taken out, he no longer needed those guards. Or he thought he no longer needed them. Yifan stopped his van abruptly in front of the house and the members piled out, easily getting the front gates open. 

The twelve members stormed the house Yifan was easily able to find the master bedroom where its owner was sleeping. He had been sound asleep with his new girlfriend when the door was kicked down and they were both startled out of their sleep. The woman cried out in fear, but Fu Jian didn't appear surprised. He looked like he had seen this coming. 

Yifan had stomped over to the bed and shot a threat at the woman. "Shut up. Our beef isn't with you, so you'll live." He said to her in English, noticing that she was foreign. Most likely Russian like Iva. Still, his words did nothing to deter her hysterical cries. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and hit her across the face with the handle of his gun, knocking her unconscious. He then grabbed the business man and dragged him out of bed and onto the floor, letting him fall onto his knees before him. "I'm not gonna ask you more than once--where is Ciel?" He growled the question at Fu Jian. 

There was only a cynical smile that played on the young businessman's lips. "No matter what you do here tonight, you won't be able to save her from what's coming." He informed him. 

"I don't play any games." Yifan warned and pulled the trigger on him with a vengeance. 

The bullet lodged into his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain and he staggered backward, a hand clutching the open wound. The others had gone through the house, keeping guard, while only Tao and Junmyeon were at the door to the master bedroom, backing him up.

"Neither do I." Fu Jian said. Another shot at him, this time at one of his legs. The pain of the bullets was doing nothing to stop him from being brave and not giving into Yifan's demands. "You back stabbed me and thought you would get away with it. Even if I die tonight, I'm satisfied knowing that you'll have to wake up everyday knowing you did this to her. You're too late to save your precious Ciel. She will never see you again." 

Yifan had been confused by the statement. He didn't understand why he had worded it that way. Except it took about a minute for it to click in his mind, what he actually meant. "Talk!" He demanded.

Since the deed had already been done and there was nothing Yifan could do to save her, Fu Jian revealed the location of where she was being held captive. It was the only thing keeping him alive at the point. With Yifan needing no further information out of him, he ended the business man's life, emptying out his gun on him. The twelve members headed out of the house, leaving the bloodied body on the ground, and they headed for the location which Yifan had gotten out of Jian.

It was somewhere in Seoul and they arrived within minutes, but the Hellcats were long gone. They didn't want to be in the middle of it once Yifan arrived. They parked outside of the old warehouse and Yifan raced inside after kicking in the door. When he finally found her, she was in one of the back rooms, which he had gotten open by kicking in the door. She jumped, startled upon hearing the noise outside and Yifan rushed to her side, kneeling before her. She looked normal, unscathed, but there was no longer a gleam in her eyes. She didn't look at him and her eyes appeared to be looking somewhere else in the distance. Staining her white wedding dress was a blue liquid and faint traces of it were also staining her face. Her eyes were red and puffy, but appeared lost.

He instantly knew what that meant.

"I'm here for you, baby." He said to her in a whisper. He deeply lamented the fact that he had been unable to save her. He had been quick to undo the ropes that were holding her tied to the chair.

Her small hands immediately searched the darkness of the room for him until they found his face, tilting his head up gently. There were tears streaming down her face, though she tried to hide her pain behind a sad smile. "I knew you would come and save me." She said to him, her fingers shaking as she traced his lips slowly. Her other hands brushed the tears away when she felt them touch her skin. 

She wanted to memorize every single aspect of him, now that she was unable to see it, and would never see him again. Ciel had never thought about how terrible of a life it was for those who could not see. But it was truly worse for those who had once had sight and lost it because they had once seen the world and were now unable to. They knew what they were missing and Ciel would always know what she could no longer see. He cried silently by her side and kissed her finger tips as they grazed his lips. "I wanted to protect you, Ciel." He swore to her. "I tried to get here in time, but I just couldn't."

"Don't blame yourself, ma chérie. You didn't do this to me." She said. Even through what she was passing, she was the one to try to cheer him up instead of the other way around. She then added in something of a joking tone, trying to lighten the mood in their time of despair. She thought that if she could just smile for him, it would make him feel better. "I'm just worried I'll be a burden for you now that I can't see."

He shook his head quickly. "Never, baby."

"Then there's no reason to let this bring us down." Though she was trying to remain optimistic, her lips quivered uncontrollably and the tears continued to spill from her eyes. Her voice shook as she spoke. Yifan wanted so badly to take away her pain. But he couldn't and it killed him.

"You don't resent me?" He asked her, looking up at her.

She gave a shake of her head. "I can't resent you if you had nothing to do with it."

He got back on his feet and scooped her up into his arms easily, both of them still dressed in their wedding attire after a long night. The others had waited outside after inspecting the building and making sure there was no danger. They had wanted to give their duizhang some privacy. 

None of them said nothing as he approached the van with his wife in his arms. He sat in one of the back seats with her, while Junmyeon had taken the driver's side. They didn't know what had happened to her, but they knew it was something bad by the tears streaming down Yifan's face.

"I promise from now on no one else will ever harm you." He said to her, holding her close to him.

And he intended to keep that promise.


they have made ciel go blind :o they didn't take her eyes out or anything, because i thought that would be way too gruesome. although i was gonna do it that way initially. they merely permanently blinded her with chemicals. so the damage is irreversible and she will truly never see yifan again.

it kinda sucks because she was completely innocent in all of this *cough* tao.

knowing yifan as we know him, revenge will be big. he will be relentless and unforgiving. come down like the hammer of the gods. lol

thank you all for reading. i was gonna update "legends" tonight. but im really tired. i honestly dont get enough sleep anymore these days and it makes me feel at a loss for energy and inspiration--hence why recent chapters have been shitty. sorry.


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