s e v e n

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$ s e v e n $

Shin Wonho woke up that morning, happily by his wife's side, unsuspecting what she was planning behind his back. He gave her a peck on a the lips, waking her from her sleep, and then got up to get in the shower. He and the rest of his pack would bee leaving that morning for China, to inspect the lands that had been taken away from the Coven.

Mitsuki got up almost as soon as he did, trying to hide her anxiousness. She sat on the bed all through the morning. She got dressed and then her pack had breakfast together. The boys shared som lively conversation with each other, but she kept to herself most of the time, only replying when someone was speaking to her. She was still upset at her brother, and her husband, and she showed it. But she was most upset at her brother, who in reality was the brains behind the Nightmares' pack. It was more like Shin was the leader for show, and Takuya was the one who actually ran most things.

After their meal together, her brother left for a moment to make some calls in order to make sure that everything was okay for their trip. 

When it was time, she followed the guys to the door and hugged her brother goodbye, though it was more out of obligation than anything. "Take care, Taku." She muttered a half-hearted remark. 

"Don't sulk, Suki." He said to her, feeling a little disheartened that she was giving him the cold shoulder. "Everything I do is for your own good, and the good of this family."

She understood that--the way that her brother and her husband were part of organized crime. But she didn't like the fact that they were hurting other people for their own gain. She never really liked the idea of them hurting anyone, but she understood when they did it out of self-defense. What they did to the Coven had been all but that. They had been the ones to attack them first. Mitsuki would never agree to accept something like that.

She said nothing to him and went to hug her husband next, embracing him with a bit more enthusiasm. "Take care, yeobo." And she gave him a kiss on the lips, which he accepted happily.

He promised her that he would be back before she could even notice he was gone, and the six of them were on their way. Mitsuki made sure to wait until she was sure they were gone when she called Jongdae, informing him that everything was ready. They were to arrive at the mansion in two vans she purchased secretly and had decaled with a false air conditioning repair service logo. She would give her permission for security to let them in to repair the units on the property. 

She picked the locks in the cells as she waited for them to arrive, and she had finished with a few cells when she got a call from the security booth. "Yes?" She answered the phone quickly.

"Mrs. Shin," The security guard at the front began. Mitsuki had made signals at the Coven members to remain quiet. Though most of them weren't making much noise anyway since they were emaciated and tired from weeks spent in the basement cells. They hardly got anything to eat or drink, and weren't allowed to sleep much in order to tire them out more and prevent an escape attempt. "There are some guys here saying they came to repair the air conditioning units in the house. But your husband didn't inform us that someone was coming while he's gone."

"Yeah." She informed them falsely. "I called them. A few of the units have been acting up. Is that a problem?" She challenged him.

"No." The security guard replied nervously.

"Let them in." She ordered.

"Them?" Yifan questioned, raising an eyebrow when he heard that there was more than one person there. He knew that Mitsuki was planning something to help them escape. He just didn't know the details. 

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