e i g h t e e n

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$ e i g h t e e n $

There was a knock on the door to Shin's bedroom, and the leader of the Nightmares stirred in his bed. He had been laying there for days. A tray of food sat on the ground, untouched, as had many. He held his cellphone in his hand, looking at a picture of him and his wife. They were both with smiling faces on his birthday, with the rest of their family--the other members of their gang. He sat on a chair with his cake in front of him. She stood to his right, and her brother Takuya to his left. Flanking them were the other boys. 

He heaved a sigh. His eyes were red and puffy, with bags underneath them. He looked to the door, reminding whoever it was with a bitter voice. "I said I didn't want to see anyone." He repeated the very same line he'd say whenever the service brought him a new tray of food, per Takuya's orders. 

The second in command ignored his leader's words and pushed the door open, stepping into the room. The moment he entered, Shin said again, "What's so hard to understand about a simple request? Do I have to move my dresser in front of the door to keep you all from entering this room?" The thought seriously crossed his mind. He saw it as the only way for everyone to stop bothering him. Even though he didn't want to see anyone, Takuya was surprised that Shin wasn't particularly mean while speaking to him. He knew that Takuya and Mitsuki were siblings, but he didn't make any prejudices. He treated his best friend as though he had nothing to do with Mitsuki.

"Wonho," Takuya began with hesitation. "I talked to Mitsuki today."

The words easily caught Shin's attention. He looked away from his phone, curiosity burning in his eyes. But he didn't dare ask for further information. He didn't dare ask how she was doing.

When he said nothing, Takuya continued to explain, "She misses the family, she misses you. Please ask her to come back home--"

Shin was quick to cut him off with a shake of his head. He knew that Takuya was more than likely stretching the truth, in order to make him feel better. Shin didn't want to hear more lies, even if they would make him feel happy. He had lived in a blissful ignorance far too long and now life was far too bleak and pointless. "Mitsuki likes to be mistreated, Takuya. That's why she's so in love with Wu Yifan, because he doesn't love her. He doesn't know how to treat women. I gave her everything, all my love, and she threw me away. As much as I love her, I don't want to continue fooling myself into thinking that she loves me."

"You're my best friend..." Takuya started, but he trailed off, not really knowing what to say to make things better. He was stuck in between their argument. He couldn't and wouldn't take sides. On the one side was his sister, and then there was his best friend. 

But somewhere in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but think that Shin was right. 

Mitsuki had loved Yifan for so long, without any real reason. He didn't deserve it. All the while Shin was entirely devoted to her and loved her unconditionally. 

There was another sigh that escaped Shin's lips. "I know it must be hard for you, Takuya. That's why I've tried to keep this all to myself. How can you just sit by while I cry over Mitsuki? What can you say to me? She's your sister, and you love her. You'd never badmouth her."

Takuya was at least grateful that his friend understood him.


It had been days with Yifan spending time with Sky. In that time, he had been able to control his temper and saw a new side of life that Sky showed him. He didn't always have to be upset and miserable all the time. In all that time, he hadn't bothered Hani and Junmyeon and had even forgotten all about them. Sky had easily been able to capture and keep his attention to the point that he had been absolutely smitten with her. He followed her around like a lost puppy and wanted to spent every waking moment of his days with her. 

On tenth day of her living in the Coven's house, things became more intimate and the two began to share the same bed. Yifan had never been more sure that what he was feeling was real, and when they got out of bed, he had changed into a fresh set of clothes after showering and had called Junmyeon and Hani into his office in the mansion.

Both Junmyeon and Hani had been nervous when Lu Han informed them that Yifan wanted to see them, but as they entered the room, they were put more at ease at the fact that he didn't appear to have as much resentment towards them as he once had.

They waited for him to speak, and when he did, he did so with a sigh. "You two were my best friends and the people I most clung to because you cared about me." Hani and Junmyeon looked at each other, not knowing what this was about. "When you two got together, something in me broke because I felt like the two of you were pushing me aside." He said, and Junmyeon instantly felt a prick in his chest. Not only that Yifan was admitting that, but that he had heard that same story before with Baekhyun. Junmyeon was beginning to suspect that as the leader of the Pack, he wasn't doing enough to let his members know that he loved and appreciated everything they did.

Yifan looked to Hani as he continued. "I forced myself to think that I was in love with you because you were the first girl that was ever nice to me. I think that now....I'm ready to take you up on that offer. Another game of poker for Hani." They had locked eyes for the briefest of an instant before he looked away from her. Hani couldn't help but smile wide at his words. It didn't mean that he was letting her go exactly. But it meant that there was the chance that she might be reunited with her husband and her family in Korea if Junmyeon were to win.

Hani still cared about Yifan, and him doing this for them gave her hope that their friendship could continue in the future.

Junmyeon was in shock of the whole situation.

He didn't know what had brought on his former friend's sudden change of heart. But Hani knew it, and she knew it well. He had finally found someone he could really love, and someone who could love him with all is flaws and virtues. There was someone in his life that was changing him for the better. He had never been a bad person, he had just been someone who had been hurt too many times.

The leader of the Coven watched the two for a reaction, but other than Hani's smile, the two seemed to be frozen in place. He then urged them with a wave of his hand, his tone taking on a false annoyance. "Go before I change my mind. We'll play this poker match tonight."


so yifan has agreed to a poker match for hani, and it looks like he's more willing to finally let her go now that he has sky. i just wanted to upload a little chapter for you all because tomorrow im going to disneyland (lol, when am i not at disneyland?) and i'm going to be away all day.

maybe before i leave i'll write another chapter. but that's still pending. thank you all so much for reading and supporting my stories. it means a lot to me.

have a wonderful week!


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