f i f t y s e v e n

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$ f i f t y s e v e n $

When Minha entered the house, she was met with her brother and his wife in the living room. Sunjoo had grown so attached to Minha and Baekhyun's son Yunkyeom that she had decided to tell the other members of the Jackals that she was married to Minho. The other members had been upset with Minho for keeping that from them, but she explained that it had been her decision. She was the one who wanted to keep away from that life. But now that everything had changed--Minha was awake and she had moved into the Jackals' home with the baby--Sunjoo wanted to follow them there. 

The two looked to Minha with surprise when they saw her in nothing but a towel and a suit jacket. Her hair was dripping wet and she had a crying child in her arms which she was trying to console. Shocked, the couple rushed from their seats on the living room couch and hurried towards the young mother who had been in a coma for three years.

Sunjoo quickly took the child in her arms, with some resistance from Minha. But she finally gave in when she realized that it was Sunjoo who the child loved more. Sunjoo had been the person he had known as his mother since the beginning. They had always told him that Minha was his mother. But he was merely a child and could not understand. In his eyes, his parents were Minho and Sunjoo. There was another prick in Minha's chest as she saw her son instantly calm once he was in her sister in law's arms and there was also a hint of jealousy. Her husband didn't want her, but neither did her son. 

It was her brother's words that pulled her from her bitter thoughts.

"What happened to you?" He asked her with worry.

He knew that she had gone to the casino with the baby, after Baekhyun demanded to see him. But he had been unwilling to make the travel into Jackals' territory. He now considered them his enemy and he had assured Minha that if he ever came face to face with her brother, or any of the other Jackal members for that matter, he would shoot to kill. Minho had been angry as well, that he would demand to see his son and then additionally refuse to be the one to pick him up or make the drive into their territory to see him. Still, Minha had agreed to go when Baekhyun informed her that his friend Lu Han would be picking her up.

Minha replied bitterly. "I tried to fix things with Light. But he refuses to cooperate. He prefers his Miran. Honestly, I can't understand what he sees in her." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Her brother was surprised at the amount of venom in her heart and then he was hit with another emotion--guilt. He realized that the only reason why she was that way now was because he made her that way. By keeping the news that she was in a coma from everyone, he essentially ruined her life. Every one else moved on without her, and when she finally woke up, it was not impossible to pick up where she had left off. But she had become a horrible person, a monster. 

"Maybe you need a vacation." He suggested with a sigh. As an idea came to him. he continued, "Remember when we were kids, and mom and dad were still around?"

She eyed him with curiosity.

"We used to rent a beach house in Fukuoka and stay there for a week." He said to her, smiling slightly at the memory. He had few memories of his parents, since they died when he and Minha had been around ten years old. But the memories he held onto were good ones. "Well, I recently bought that house and refurnished everything the way we remember it. You could go there, and forget about Light. Why make yourself suffer over him? He's moved on, and I know if you tried you could find someone new--"

She cut him off, eyes full of hurt. Her husband, all her friends, and even her son had abandoned her. The only person she saw that she had left was her brother, and now it looked that he was leaving her as well. "Min, are you going to take their side now too?"

He shook his head. "That's not what I'm trying to say. Just think about it."


Lu Han returned to the casino just as his wife was heading out. Just from looking at her, he knew that she was going to her newest training ground. With their football team in Beijing prospering and making a lot of money, they had purchased a second division team in Seoul. Lu Han was leaving all the management duties to his wife Mei Lin and she was set to meet with the club president at the facilities to discuss their goals for the upcoming season. 

The two crossed paths and she gasped in surprise at the sight of him. He then realized he might have looked worse than he felt after the incident with Minha. For one, he was missing his blazer jacket. He also had water stains all over his button up shirt, and his hair was a mess from running his hand through it in frustration. 

He had one thing in mind. He was going to talk to Baekhyun and warn him about Minha. He had also planned to keep this from his wife Mei Lin. He knew her personality and he knew how she would react to the news of another woman coming onto him. He only wanted to save her the anger she was about to feel.

"Hannie, what happened?" She asked, eyeing him up and down with concern.

He bit down on his lip nervously before he spoke, knowing that he needed to tell her what happened. "Baobei, I know you you're going to freak out but I need to tell you what happened before you hear it from someone else." With the way Minha was behaving, he didn't doubt that she would come back and taunt Baekhyun about it, trying to make him jealous. Only he knew she might distort the truth and if Mei Lin heard about it, he didn't even want to think of what might happen. He didn't want to lose her over the problems that someone else was having.

Now Mei Lin felt a bit worried, especially seeing the way he was behaving. It was definitely not something to take lightly. 

"Minha tried to kiss me when I dropped her off at her house." He blurted the words out quickly and without any spaces, making it all sound like one long word.

But Mei Lin understood him perfectly, and the only word that came out of her mouth was, "What?"

"She was only trying to make Light jealous." Lu Han explained, as though it would make the situation better. But he knew it wouldn't.

Mei Lin seemed to be still in shock. She appeared in a daze as she spoke. "And what did you do?"

"Of course I didn't let her." Her husband assured. 

In an instant, it was like everything had sunken in for her. The realization came upon her and the anger bubbled within her. "Who does she think she is?" She half-shouted with outrage. Pushing the sleeves of her blazer jacket up to her elbows like she did when she had been determined to talk to Junmyeon about hurtling Lu Han so long ago, she continued through angered words. "Where does she live? She's gonna catch these hands, Han. I swear."

She tried to march past him, but he had caught her by wrapping his arms around her waist. "Wait baobei, don't start a fight. Its not worth it." He pleaded as she struggled to get out of his hold and getting exasperated when she couldn't. The Jackals and the Wolves had just turned rivals, and even though they were rebuilding and Mei Lin had the family to back her, Minha had the Jackals to back her.

"If no one stops her, she's going to think that everything she's doing is okay." She said angrily, momentarily giving up in her struggle to get out of his grip.


a filler chapter for tonight because im really tired and i have been working on the newest chapter for "talk about boys". thank you all so much for reading and supporting this story.

question of the day: should mei lin fight minha? i want there to be a big confrontation, but im not sure yet. next chapter i will try to write about yixing and silver because honestly there has been little to no progress with their story. only because there are so many characters that there are so many stories to tell.

thank you again for reading. have a wonderful night.


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